jonato1 / npm-publish

Utility to manage the publish of npm modules

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GetYourGuide - npm publish

CLI tool to handle publishing modules, detecting the version increment from the commit message, generating the tags and pushing to github.


This library has been moved to ts-libs


  • Allow to define increment (patch, minor, major) based on commit message.
  • Allow to create beta versions based on the message.
  • Increase automatically version in package.json creating a tag and pushing to your repo.
  • Define branchs in which you want to publish and which ones to omit it.


  • Push commits to a publish branch [default: master] using any of the wildcards as part of your message [minor] ... [major] ... and the library will generate a version for you. If it doesn't detect any wildcard, it will do a patch.
  • Pushing commits to no-publish branches will omit the version generation.
  • If you're in any branch and you would like to generate a beta version, just commit with [beta] ...

Getting Started

npm install --save-dev @getyourguide/npm-publish

Usage with Drone or Github Actions

  1. Create a npm script in your package.json
  "scripts": {
    "npm-publish": "npm-publish"
  1. Add a step to publish your module


  image: node:12-buster
    - npm run npm-publish -- --branch ${DRONE_BRANCH} --message "$${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}"

Github Actions

- name: Publish library
  run: npm run npm-publish -- --branch "${{ github.ref }}" --message "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}"

workflow.yml full example

CLI Params

Run with --help to get a full list of params

npm-publish --help

  --branch, -b           branch name                                         [required]
  --message, -m          commit message                                      [required]
  --publish-branches     branches where it should publish   [array] [default: "master"]
  --wildcard-minor       wildcard to identify a minor commit       [default: "[minor]"]
  --wildcard-major       wildcard to identify a major commit       [default: "[major]"]
  --wildcard-beta        wildcard to identify a beta commit         [default: "[beta]"]
  --wildcard-no-publish  wildcard to identify a nopublish commit    [default: "[beta]"]
  --git-email            git email to create the comit.   [default: "local git config"]
  --git-name             git name to create the commit.   [default: "local git config"]
  --registry             force npm registry to publish.   [default: ignore]
  --commit-message       commit message. Use %v to specify the version and %p for package
                                       [default: "[npm-publish] %p@%v [ci skip]"]
  --tag-name             git tag name. Use %v to specify the version and %p for package
                                       [default: "v%v"]


There are 3 ways of specifing the configuration.

1. Passing directly params

npm-publish --branch test --message test --registry ""

2. Add config in package.json

You can also specify the params in your package.json. Add a section npm-publish.
Params should be specified in camelCase.

  "npm-publish": {
    "publishBranches": ["master", "develop"],
    "wildcardMinor": "[custom-minor]",
    "wildcardMajor": "[custom-major]",
    "gitEmail": "",
    "gitName": "IT - MyCompany",
    "...": "..."

3. Add config in an external file

Create a file called .npm-publish and it will automatically be read by the library

  "publishBranches": ["master", "develop"],
  "wildcardMinor": "[custom-minor]",
  "wildcardMajor": "[custom-major]",
  "gitEmail": "",
  "gitName": "IT - MyCompany",
  "...": "..."

Combining different config methods

You can combine the above methods according to your needs.
They are listed in order of priority, so if you define the same parameter in the 3 places, first it will try to get it from the command line, if it doesn't exists then from the package.json section, and if it's also not there, it will try to get it from the .npm-publish file.

Suppose the existing configuration:

npm publish --branch cmd-branch

// package.json
  "npm-publish": {
    "branch": "pkg-branch",
    "registry": "pkg-registry",

// .npm-publish
  "branch": "file-branch",
  "registry": "file-registry",
  "gitName": "file-git-name",

// Result: branch:cmd-branch registry:pkg-registry git-name:file-git-name

Using the mode option

By default, the library will create a new version and publish it right away.
There could be cases where you need only one of these actions or where you need to execute something between the version generation and the publish of the library.

using --mode create-version

This mode will just detect (based on the message and the params) what's the next version to generate,
and it will update the package.json with the new version.
Notice that it won't publish the library

npm-publish --mode create-version --branch test --message test

using --mode publish

This mode will publish a previous generated version, create the tag for the new version and push a commit to your github repo.
Notice that you'll need to update the package version previously.

npm version patch
npm-publish --mode publish --branch test --message test

Running command between version generation and publish

  image: node:12-buster
    - npm run npm-publish -- --mode create-version --branch ${DRONE_BRANCH} --message "$${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}"
  image: node:12-buster
    - Run a command with the updated package.json version number
  image: node:12-buster
    - npm run npm-publish -- --mode publish --branch ${DRONE_BRANCH} --message "$${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}"


Utility to manage the publish of npm modules

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%