jonathanza / wappalyzer-wrapper

A simple PHP wrapper for Wappalyzer technology detection that wraps up wappalyzer-cli command line client for use as an easily installed composer dependency.

Repository from Github https://github.comjonathanza/wappalyzer-wrapperRepository from Github https://github.comjonathanza/wappalyzer-wrapper


A simple PHP wrapper for Wappalyzer technology detection that wraps up wappalyzer-cli command line client for use as an easily installed composer dependency.

This library now also allows you to optionally bypass Wappalyzer's use of zombie to download the page, and instead you can pass in your own HTML, headers etc.

Simple usage

//Build required classes (can also use DI)
$resultFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\ResultFactory();
$technologyResultFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\TechnologyResultFactory();
$parser = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\ResultProcessor($resultFactory, $technologyResultFactory);
$commandFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\CommandFactory();
$jsonFileWriter = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Request\JsonFileWriter();

// Create client
$client = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Client($commandFactory, $parser, $jsonFileWriter);

// Get the analysis results for a site
$result = $client->analyse('');

// Output all technologies found
foreach ($result->getTechnologyResults() as $technologyResult) {
    echo "\nFound ".$technologyResult->getName();

// Output just something from a specific category
foreach ($result->getTechnologyResultsByCategory('Analytics') as $technologyResult) {
    echo "\nFound ".$technologyResult->getName();

Usage with existing page data

This client can also be used with existing page data you already have, bypassing wappalyzer's use of Zombie to download the page. You will need the hostname, URL, response headers, HTML and env vars. Wappalyzer env vars should be a list of keys from the window object of the page visited, e.g. ['jQuery', 'ga'].

//Build required classes (can also use DI)
$resultFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\ResultFactory();
$technologyResultFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\TechnologyResultFactory();
$parser = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Result\ResultProcessor($resultFactory, $technologyResultFactory);
$commandFactory = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\CommandFactory();
$jsonFileWriter = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Request\JsonFileWriter();

// Set up request from existing page data
$existingPageDataRequest = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Request\ExistingPageDataRequest();

$existingPageDataRequest->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$existingPageDataRequest->setHtml('<html><head><meta name="generator" content="Amiro"></head><body></body></html>');

// Create client
$client = new \Silktide\WappalyzerWrapper\Client($commandFactory, $parser, $jsonFileWriter);

// Get the analysis results for a site
$result = $client->analyseFromExistingData($existingPageDataRequest);

// Output all technologies found
foreach ($result->getTechnologyResults() as $technologyResult) {
    echo "\nFound ".$technologyResult->getName();

// Output just something from a specific category
foreach ($result->getTechnologyResultsByCategory('Analytics') as $technologyResult) {
    echo "\nFound ".$technologyResult->getName();


A simple PHP wrapper for Wappalyzer technology detection that wraps up wappalyzer-cli command line client for use as an easily installed composer dependency.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 93.2%Language:JavaScript 6.8%