jonathanxu / CP.TwitterClient

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CodePath Week 3 Homework - Twitter Client

Launch & Timeline Views

Depends on user login state, app will launch CPLaunchViewController.


Following Twitter's Branding Guideline:

Twitter OAuth

Use SimpleAuth/Twitter instead of AFNetworking/AFOAuth1Client. SimpleAuth has both Twitter and TwitterWeb, this app uses Twitter which interactives with Accounts.framework and Social.framework. Twitter mode returns consumer secret and token.

It is easy to switch to TwitterWeb and pop up a web view for web OAuth flow.

Calling Twitter API

Once Twitter OAuth credentials are obtained, this app uses GCOAuth (cocoa-oauth) to generate NSURLRequest with OAuth signature.

With NSURLRequest, AFHTTPRequestOperation is used to make the actual HTTP call.

Tweet Model

CPTweet is a model class that encapsulate a NSDictionary. It implements NSCoder protocol in order to be serialized and archived/unarchived.

Rendering Tweets in table view

Name and screen name are combined and show in a NSAttributedString.

Profile image is rendered asynchronously using UIImageView+AFNetworking.

Time is parsed from Twitter API, and formatted to very short (1h), or short (2/2/14), or long form. This is done inside model CPTweet.

Height calculation

  • Set UITextView's inset to 0
  • Updated UITextView's height constraint via an IBOutlet
  • Return table cell's height by calculating the offset from default UITextView height, and add to table cell's default height
  • Not using bottom constraint from UITextView to table cell's bottom

Touch and Segue

Wire 3 separate touch events for reply, retweet, and faovite.

Use CPTimelineViewController.tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath for segue into tweet detail view. This is accomplished with a manual segue, otherwise it would add a segue button to UITableViewCell and mess up layout.

When tweet detail view is popped from the navigation controller, and timeline view is presented, the app will use viewWillAppear to fresh current selected row, in case button states have changed in the detail view.

Retweet and Favorite

  • Retweet and Favorite are handled in model (CPTweet) with help of CPTwitterAPIClient.
  • Most calls are fire-and-forget, with the model updates itself immediately.
  • For retweet, the model supplies a success completion block to retrieve the new retweet id and store on itself, so immediate undo can be performed.

Compose new tweet

After composing a new tweet, a success completion block is used to call a delegate CPDismissAfterComposeDelegate.

This delegate will dismiss the compose view, and do the right thing. For example, CPTimelineViewController would add the new tweet to its list of tweets at index 0, and add a new row to its table view.

For reply within CPDetailViewController, there are two layers of delegate to make sure all the replies are making back to top of timeline.

For reply within a table cell, there is another delegate for table cell to hand off to CPTimelineViewController to bring up modal (CPComposeViewController).



Language:Objective-C 99.7%Language:Ruby 0.3%