jonathanpglick / python-equation-calculation-research

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python Equation Calculation Research



  • More suited for equation solving, not string based


Exceptions are pretty unhelpful.

Requires pre-parsing of parameter tokens into simple variables (chokes on <Production capacity>, needs x instead).

Has some latex output support, would still need to figure out how to interpolate meaningful variables names.

Operators & functions

  • /
  • %
  • ^
  • **
  • &&
  • ||
  • &
  • |
  • </>
  • &|
  • |&
  • ==
  • =
  • ~
  • !~
  • !=
  • <>
  • <

  • <
  • <=
  • =

  • =<
  • =>
  • <~
  • ~

  • ~<
  • ~>
  • !
  • abs
  • sum
  • prod
  • floor
  • ceil
  • round
  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • re
  • im
  • sqrt
  • pi
  • NaN
In [22]: Expression("x + sum(3,4,y)", ["x", "y"])(1, 5)
Out[22]: 13


Light-weight. And the logical operators are a bit confusing.

Requires pre-parsing of parameter tokens into simple variables (chokes on <Production capacity>, needs x instead).

Exceptions for:

  • invalid expression
  • unexpected operator
  • unexpected number
  • unexpected string
  • unexpected constant
  • unexpected function
  • unexpected operator
  • unexpected variable
  • unexpected parenthesis
  • unmatched parenthesis

Operations & functions

  • +: add
  • -: sub
  • -: neg
  • *: mul
  • /: div
  • %: mod
  • ^: pow
  • ,: append
  • ||: concat
  • ==: equal
  • !=: notEqual
  • >: greaterThan
  • <: lessThan
  • >=: greaterThanEqual
  • <=: lessThanEqual
  • sin: sin
  • cos: cos
  • tan: tan
  • asin: asin
  • acos: acos
  • atan: atan
  • sqrt: sqrt
  • log: log
  • abs: abs
  • ceil: ceil
  • floor: floor
  • round: round
  • exp: exp
  • and: and
  • or: or
  • random: random
  • fac: fac
  • min: min
  • max: max
  • pyt: pyt
  • pow: pow
  • atan2: atan2
  • concat: concat
  • if (possible?)
  • E: e
  • PI: pi
In [9]: parser.parse('if(a >= 5, b*2, b-1)').evaluate({'a': 2, 'b': 10})
Out[9]: 9.0

In [10]: parser.parse('if(a >= 5, b*2, b-1)').evaluate({'a': 6, 'b': 10})
Out[10]: 20.0


Converts python expressions to LaTeX formula.

But we're not supporting python expressions. :-(

Automatic LaTeX conversion might be really hard unless we can tack it onto the parse/evaluate library.

An alternative would be to have a live-updating field for the LaTeX version of the formula.
