jonathanpglick / jquery-mobile-seed

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Mobile Site Skeleton

Mobile Site Skeleton is a starter project for creating data-driven Mobile websites. Its PHP backend allows cross-domain API consumption and the templating system reduces the code duplication that is common in jQuery Mobile projects. It follows a simplified MVC structure with an API class representing the model and routing via the GluePHP library. The front-end uses jQuery Mobile for smooth app-like navigation and ready-to-use mobile widgets.

It was developed as a way to provide mobile experiences for desktop sites that are too complex or heavy to re-skin to make responsive.


  • jQuery Mobile for ready-to-use mobile UI and widgets.
  • jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme provides a better baseline for customizing jQuery Mobile styles.
  • Memcached to speed up page loads after data is pulled from an API.
  • Google Analytics page tracking, even when pages are loaded via AJAX.
  • Disqus comments and comment counts.


Clone the repository and download/update the submodules with:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Copy of one of the settings files in /application/config/ to /application/config/settings.php.

Run your web server from the /public directory and have it rewrite non-static requests to /public/index.php. An .htacess file is provided that will do this for Apache.


The following settings are available in the /config/settings.php file:

  • ENVIRONMENT: Used to configure the app based on the current environment. Any value but 'development' will reference the built version of the CSS & JS.
  • SITE_TITLE: The site title.
  • API_URL: The base URL to use for the API. Often the full site that this is app is providing a mobile view of.
  • DISQUS_PUBLIC_KEY: The public key of a disqus account. This is used to display comment counts.
  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT: The Google Analytics key to use to track page views.
  • $memcached_server: If set, the app will try to connect to this Memcached server before running.



Contains web public code including the jQuery Mobile library and theme. The most significant files are:

  • /public/js/application.js: Contains code to customize and add functionality to jQuery Mobile.
  • /public/css/custom.less: Custom styles for the project go here and should be rendered into css for inclusion in the page.


This directory contains the app-specific backend code for a project.

Routes are defined in Routes.php. The routes are regular expressions that are matched against the request path. When a matching route is found, the associated controller is instantiated and the class method corresponding to the request method ('GET', 'POST', etc.) is called ($myController->GET($params)). Data captured from the route regex, including named captures, are passed as an array to the controller method. See the GluePHP documentation for more information.

Controllers.php contains the controller classes for this project. The controller methods should call the self::send() method to render data into templates and return it to the browser.

The API.php file contains a singleton class of the same name that does the work of retrieving and caching data. This singleton should be used by controller methods to get data for a given request.


External libraries and application base classes are in here.


Command-line scripts pertaining to this project.


Put application templates to be rendered by controllers here.

Building Assets

This project includes a script that uses the YUI Compressor to concatenate and minify the CSS and Javascript used.

$ php application/scripts/build-assets.php

If additional CSS or Javascript files are added to the index.php file, they'll also have to be added in the build-assets.php file to be included. The build-assets.php script also updates a cache-busting value in the html.php template so newly deployed code is always reloaded from the server.

Libraries and Dependencies

  • GluePHP
  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.1
  • jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme
  • YUI Compressor



Language:JavaScript 69.3%Language:CSS 25.4%Language:PHP 5.3%