jonathanio / infra-proxmox

Repository from Github https://github.comjonathanio/infra-proxmoxRepository from Github https://github.comjonathanio/infra-proxmox Terraform Cloud {{configuration-name}} Configuration



This Terraform configuration is not designed to be run locally, and will instead by run through it's Terraform Cloud Workspace; it is here all state and resources will be managed. All Taskfile tasks below run with an empty backend to prevent accidental triggering or connecting with the remote workspace.

Testing and Validation

This Terraform Module uses both Taskfile and pre-commit to manage this repository through testing and committing stages.


To use Taskfile, you can run task from the command-line:

# task --list
task: Available tasks for this project:
* checkov:                      Analyise the Terraform configuration
* clean:                        Clean the Terraform configuration
* default:                      Run the default tasks
* docs:                         Update files for the Terraform configuration
* fmt:                          Reformat the syntax of the Terraform configuration using terraform
* lint:                         Lint the Terraform configuration
* validate:                     Validate the Terraform configuration
* configuration:checkov:        Statically analyise the Terraform configuration
* configuration:clean:          Remove all temporary files from this configuration
* configuration:default:        Run the standard validation check and documentation generation      (aliases: configuration)
* configuration:docs:           Update the file for this Terraform configuration
* configuration:fmt:            Reformat the syntax of the Terraform configuration using terraform
* configuration:lint:           Run initial validation of the run-time configuration
* configuration:validate:       Validate the Terraform configuration

Normally validate, docs, and checkov are the usual calls:

# task validate
task: Task "configuration:init" is up to date
task: Task "configuration:fmt" is up to date
task: Task "configuration:validate" is up to date

In this example, validate depends on other tasks being run first (such as init and fmt), and also manages the downstream calls, if set up.

A useful set-up is with --watch, which allows task to run and constantly monitor the files that are sources for each task, and if the contents change on any one of them, run all the required dependencies and tasks associated with that file automatically. For example, which allows for constant updates of the documentation for Terraform as you write the Terraform configuration.

# task --watch
task: Started watching for tasks: default
task: Task "configuration:fmt" is up to date


The pre-commit tool needs to first be installed, after which it checks every commit to see if it's valid, that it doesn't have any bad links, large files, incorrect JSON documents, badly formatted YAML files, and issues with Markdown documentation and Terraform configurations.

# pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit



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