jonas1ara / cube

Cube written in C ported to F#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



In this project I port servetgulnaroglu's Cube code originally written in C to F#

Some differences between C and F# code

Type inferences

float A, B, C;

float cubeWidth = 20;
int width = 160, height = 44;
let mutable A, B, C = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

let mutable cubeWidth = 20.0
let width, height = 160, 44

Buffer declaration

float zBuffer[160 * 44];
char buffer[160 * 44];
let zBuffer = Array.create (width * height) 0.0
let buffer = Array.create (width * height) ' '

Type inference in functions

void calculateForSurface(float cubeX, float cubeY, float cubeZ, int ch) 
  x = calculateX(cubeX, cubeY, cubeZ);
  y = calculateY(cubeX, cubeY, cubeZ);
  z = calculateZ(cubeX, cubeY, cubeZ) + distanceFromCam;

  ooz = 1 / z;

  xp = (int)(width / 2 + horizontalOffset + K1 * ooz * x * 2);
  yp = (int)(height / 2 + K1 * ooz * y);

  idx = xp + yp * width;
  if (idx >= 0 && idx < width * height) 
    if (ooz > zBuffer[idx]) 
      zBuffer[idx] = ooz;
      buffer[idx] = ch;
let calculateForSurface cubeX cubeY cubeZ ch =
    x <- calculateX cubeX cubeY cubeZ
    y <- calculateY cubeX cubeY cubeZ
    z <- calculateZ cubeX cubeY cubeZ + distanceFromCam

    ooz <- 1.0 / z

    xp <- int (float width / 2.0 + horizontalOffset + K1 * ooz * x * 2.0)
    yp <- int (float height / 2.0 + K1 * ooz * y)

    idx <- xp + yp * width
    if idx >= 0 && idx < width * height then
        if ooz > zBuffer.[idx] then
            zBuffer.[idx] <- ooz
            buffer.[idx] <- ch

Buffer filling

memset(buffer, backgroundASCIICode, width * height);
memset(zBuffer, 0, width * height * 4);
buffer.[0 .. width * height - 1] <- Array.init (width * height) (fun _ -> backgroundASCIICode)
Array.fill zBuffer 0 (width * height) 0.0

Buffer empty

for (int k = 0; k < width * height; k++) 
    putchar(k % width ? buffer[k] : 10);
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
for k in 0 .. width * height - 1 do
    match k % width with
    | 0 -> Console.WriteLine()
    | _ -> Console.Write(buffer.[k])


Cube written in C ported to F#

License:MIT License


Language:F# 66.6%Language:C 33.4%