jonas-schievink / ftdi-protocol

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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bit indices are 0-based


FTDI VID: 0x0403

PID Products
6001 FT232, FT232R
6010 FT2232, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT2232H
6011 FT4232, FT4232H
6015 FT-X, FT230X, FT231X, FT234X

Device Properties

TX, RX are the on-chip FIFO sizes.

bcdDevice TX RX MPSSE Model
2.00 128 128 - FT232AM
4.00 128 384 - FT232BM
5.00 128 384 yes FT2232C
6.00 256 128 - FT232R
7.00 4096 4096 yes FT2232H
8.00 2048 2048 yes FT4232H
9.00 1024 1024 yes FT232H
10.00 512 512 - FT-X


16-bit value

Position Name Description
0-3 ???
4 CTS Clear to send
5 DSR Data set ready
6 RI Ring indicator
7 DCD Data carrier detect
8 DR Data ready
9 OE Overrun error
10 PE Parity error
11 FE Framing error
12 BI Break interrupt
13 THRE Transmitter holding register empty
14 TEMT Transmitter empty
15 ERR Error in RCVR FIFO


1 Byte. These have bitflags-like values but actually are not.

Value Name Description
0x00 RESET switch off alternative mode (default to UART)
0x01 BITBANG classical asynchronous bitbang mode
0x02 MPSSE MPSSE mode, available on 2232x chips
0x04 SYNCBB synchronous bitbang mode
0x08 MCU MCU Host Bus Emulation mode
0x10 OPTO Fast Opto-Isolated Serial Interface Mode
0x20 CBUS Bitbang on CBUS pins of R-type chips
0x40 SYNCFF Single Channel Synchronous FIFO mode
0x80 ??? ???

Control requests

These are the bRequest values accepted by the control endpoint:

Value Name Description
0x00 SIO_REQ_RESET Reset the port
0x01 SIO_REQ_SET_MODEM_CTRL Set the modem control register
0x02 SIO_REQ_SET_FLOW_CTRL Set flow control register
0x03 SIO_REQ_SET_BAUDRATE Set baud rate
0x04 SIO_REQ_SET_DATA Set the data characteristics of the port
0x05 SIO_REQ_POLL_MODEM_STATUS Get line status
0x06 SIO_REQ_SET_EVENT_CHAR Change event character
0x07 SIO_REQ_SET_ERROR_CHAR Change error character
0x08 ??? ???
0x09 SIO_REQ_SET_LATENCY_TIMER Change latency timer
0x0A SIO_REQ_GET_LATENCY_TIMER Get latency timer
0x0B SIO_REQ_SET_BITMODE Change bit mode
0x0C SIO_REQ_READ_PINS Read GPIO pin value (or "get bitmode")
... ??? ???

Unless otherwise noted, wIndex should be set to bInterfaceNumber + 1 to apply the command to bInterfaceNumber.


wValue parameter:

Value Name Description
0 SIO_RESET_SIO Reset without draining buffers
1 SIO_RESET_PURGE_RX Drain USB RX buffer (host-to-ftdi)
2 SIO_RESET_PURGE_TX Drain USB TX buffer (ftdi-to-host)


Sets DTR and/or RTS.

wValue parameter:

Value Name Description

MSB contains the bits to modify, LSB contain the bits to set them it, so combinations of these likely work too (ie. 0x0301 to set DTR and clear RTS).


wValue parameter:

Value Name Description
0x0000 SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL No flow control
0x0100 SIO_RTS_CTS_HS RTS/CTS flow control
0x0200 SIO_DTR_DSR_HS DTR/DSR flow control
0x0400 SIO_XON_XOFF_HS XON/XOFF flow control


TODO: baud rate conversion formulas


wValue parameter contains bitflags:

Bits Name Description
8-10 PARITY Parity configuration
11-12 STOP Stop bit configuration
14 BREAK Enable or disable the "break" line condition

Parity configuration values:

Value Name
0x00 NONE
0x01 ODD
0x02 EVEN
0x03 MARK
0x04 SPACE

Stop bit configuration values:

Value Name Description
0x00 STOP_1 1 Stop bit
0x01 STOP_15 1.5 Stop bits
0x02 STOP_2 2 Stop bits

TODO: There also seems a bytelength field in there (to select 7 or 8 bits) but PyFTDI doesn't set it.


Control Read request, response is a 2 Byte ModemStatus.


Changes, enables, or disables the "event" character.

Bits Meaning
0-7 Event character
8 Enable


Changes, enables, or disables the "error" character.

Bits Meaning
0-7 Error character
8 Enable


Configures the target latency. The FTDI chip will keep accumulating data until this timeout expires, in order to send data in bigger batches to keep CPU load low. The timer can be adjusted to improve communication latency at the cost of higher CPU load.

wValue: Latency in milliseconds (in range 12-255).


Get the latency timer value.

Response: 1 Byte latency (in range 2-255 milliseconds).


Sets the Bitmode of the output pins.

wValue parameter:

Bits Meaning
0-7 Pin directions (0 = input, 1 = output)
8-15 The Bitmode to switch to


Reads the raw pin state as a 1-Byte value.


  • wValue: 0
  • wIndex: Address to read

Reads a 16-bit word from the EEPROM.


  • wValue: The word to write.
  • wIndex: The word address to write to.

Writes a 16-bit word to the EEPROM.

WARNING: This can brick the device.

TODO: Document EEPROM format (checksum, etc.).



MPSSE commands

Before using these, SIO_REQ_SET_BITMODE needs to be used to put the chip into MPSSE mode.

All MPSSE commands and data are transferred over the bulk endpoint that is otherwise used for UART data.

Commands are documented in

A helpful introduction is available in

The MCU Host emulation mode uses some of the same MPSSE commands.

List of MPSSE-only command opcodes:

Value Name Description
0x80 SET_GPIO_LOW_BYTE Set GPIO pin direction and state, low byte (ADBUS 0-7), also sets initial value of clock pin
0x81 READ_GPIO_LOW_BYTE Read GPIO pin state, low byte (ADBUS 0-7)
0x82 SET_GPIO_HIGH_BYTE Set GPIO pin direction and state, high byte (ACBUS 0-7)
0x83 READ_GPIO_HIGH_BYTE Read GPIO pin state, high byte (ACBUS 0-7)
0x84 SET_TDI_TDO_LOOPBACK Internally connect TDI to TDO
0x85 CLR_TDI_TDO_LOOPBACK Disconnect TDI from TDO
0x86 SET_TCK_DIVISOR Set clock pin divisor

Commands that are valid in both MPSSE and MCU Host emulation mode:

Value Name Description
0x87 SEND_IMMEDIATE Flush MPSSE buffers to USB host
0x88 WAIT_IO_HIGH Wait until either GPIOL1 or I/O1 is high
0x89 WAIT_IO_LOW Wait until either GPIOL1 or I/O1 is low

MPSSE-only commands that are valid only on the -H series chips:

Value Name Description
0x8A DISABLE_CLK_DIV_5 Disable the divide-by-5 circuit for the clock
0x8B ENABLE_CLK_DIV_5 Enable the divide-by-5 circuit for the clock
0x8C ENABLE_3PH_CLK Enable 3-phase data clocking
0x8D DISABLE_3PH_CLK Disable 3-phase data clocking
0x8E CLK_NO_DATA_BITS Allow clock to be output without transferring data until N bits would be clocked out
0x8F CLK_NO_DATA_BYTES Allow clock to be output without transferring data until N bytes would be clocked out
0x94 CLK_NO_DATA_WAIT_HIGH Allow clock to be output without transferring data until GPIOL1 goes high
0x95 CLK_NO_DATA_WAIT_LOW Allow clock to be output without transferring data until GPIOL1 goes low
0x96 ENABLE_ADAPTIVE_CLK Enable adaptive clocking
0x97 DISABLE_ADAPTIVE_CLK Disable adaptive clocking
0x9C CLK_NO_DATA_BYTES_WAIT_HIGH Allow clock to be output without transferring data until GPIOL1 goes high or N bytes would be clocked out
0x9D CLK_NO_DATA_BYTES_WAIT_LOW Allow clock to be output without transferring data until GPIOL1 goes low or N bytes would be clocked out

FT232H-only MPSSE-only commands:

Value Name Description
0x9E OPEN_COLLECTOR Sets pins to only drive for 0-bits and tristate on 1-bits

List of MCU Host emulation mode opcodes:

Value Name Description
0x90 MCU_READ_SHORT_ADDR Read a byte from an 8-bit address
0x91 MCU_READ_EXT_ADDR Read a byte from a 16-bit address
0x92 MCU_WRITE_SHORT_ADDR Write a byte to an 8-bit address
0x93 MCU_WRITE_EXT_ADDR Write a byte to a 16-bit address
