jonahanton / msm-mae

Masked Spectrogram Modeling using Masked Autoencoders for Learning General-purpose Audio Representations

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Masked Spectrogram Modeling using Masked Autoencoders for Learning General-purpose Audio Representation

This is a demo implementation of Masked Spectrogram Modeling using Masked Autoencoders (MSM-MAE), a self-supervised learning method for general-purpose audio representation, includes:

  • Training code that can pre-train models with arbitrary audio files.
  • Evaluation code to test models under two benchmarks, HEAR 2021 and EVAR.
  • Visualization examples and a notebook.
  • Pre-trained weights.

If you find MSM-MAE useful in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation.

    title   = {Masked Spectrogram Modeling using Masked Autoencoders for Learning General-purpose Audio Representation}, 
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
    journal = {arXiv:2204.12260},
    year    = {2022},
    eprint  = {2204.12260},
    url     = {},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {eess.AS}

1. Getting Started

The repository relies on the codes from facebookresearch/mae, and we patch our changes on these files.

  1. Download external source files from facebookresearch/mae, and apply a patches.
curl -o util/
curl -o util/
curl -o util/
curl -o util/
curl -o util/
curl -o
curl -o msm_mae/
curl -o msm_mae/
cd util
patch -p1 < patch_util.diff
cd ../msm_mae
patch -p1 < patch_msm_mae.diff
cd ..
patch -p1 < patch_main.diff
  1. If you need a clean environment, the following anaconda example creates a new environment named ar:
conda create -n ar python==3.8
conda activate ar
  1. Install external modules listed on requirements.txt.

2. Evaluating MSM-MAE

2-1. Evaluating on HEAR 2021 NeurIPS Challenge Tasks

We evaluate our models on our paper using hear-eval-kit from on HEAR 2021 NeurIPS Challenge as follows.

NOTE: The folder hear has all the files we need to evaluate models on hear-eval-kit.

  1. Install hear-eval-kit as follows:

    pip install heareval
  2. Download your copy of downstream dataset for 16 kHz. See HEAR NeurIPS 2021 Datasets@zenodo for the detail.

  3. To evaluate our models, we need a local package which loads and runs our models. The followings shows an example for a model named 80x208p16x16_mymodel.

    cd hear/hear_msm
    ** Edit the here, so that the value of `model_path` points to your model with an absolute path. **
    cd ..
    pip install -e .
  4. We are on the folder hear. Run the hear-eval-kit with your pre-trained model.

    python -m heareval.embeddings.runner hear_msm.80x208p16x16_mymodel --tasks-dir /your_copy/hear/tasks
    CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:4096:8 python -m heareval.predictions.runner embeddings/hear_msm.80x208p16x16_mymodel/*

2-2. Evaluating on EVAR

EVAR is an evaluation package for audio representations used by our research papers such as BYOL-A and Composing General Audio Representation by Fusing Multilayer Features of a Pre-trained Model. It supports the following downstream tasks: ESC-50, US8K, FSD50K, SPCV1/V2, VoxForge, VoxCeleb1, CREMA-D, GTZAN, NSynth instrument family, Pitch Audio Dataset (Surge synthesizer).

The following steps setup MSM-MAE on the EVAR.

  1. Clone EVAR repository and prepare basic items.

    git clone evar
    cd evar
    curl -o evar/utils/
    curl -o evar/
    curl -o evar/
    cd ..
  2. Install MSM-MAE files on the cloned evar folder.

    ln -s ../../to_evar/ evar/evar
    ln -s ../../to_evar/msm_mae.yaml evar/config
    cd evar
    sed 's/import evar\.ar_byola/import evar\.ar_byola, evar\.ar_msm_mae/' -i
    cd ..
  3. Setup downstream task datasets according to The following is an example for setting up CREMA-D dataset.

    cd evar
    python evar/utils/ downloads/cremad
    python downloads/cremad work/16k/cremad 16000
    cd ..

Once setup is complete, you can evaluate your models as follows.

  • For evaluating a model with an absolute path /your/path/to/model.pth.

    cd evar
    python config/msm_mae.yaml cremad weight_file=/your/path/to/model.pth
  • If you want to save GPU memory, set a fewer batch size as follows. This example sets it as 16.

    cd evar
    python config/msm_mae.yaml cremad batch_size=16,weight_file=/your/path/to/model.pth

3. Training From Scratch

First, you need to prepare pre-training data samples; then, you can pre-train your model. The following is an example to pre-train a model on FSD50K dataset.

  1. Preprocess .wav files into log-mel spectrogram .npy files. The following converts from a source folder /your/local/fsd50k/FSD50K.dev_audio to a new folder lms_fsd50kdev.

    python /your/local/fsd50k/FSD50K.dev_audio lms_fsd50kdev
  2. Create a CSV file which is used as a list of pre-training samples containing a single column file_name. The following example creates trainingfiles.csv.

    echo file_name > trainingfiles.csv
    (cd lms_fsd50kdev && find . -name "*.npy") >> trainingfiles.csv
  3. Make some copies of samples for visualization. The following example makes 3 symbolic links. All the samples under the folder vis_samples will be used to visualize reconstruction results of a checkpoint during training.

    mkdir -p lms_fsd50kdev/vis_samples
    ln -s ../1240.npy lms_fsd50kdev/vis_samples/1240.npy
    ln -s ../106237.npy lms_fsd50kdev/vis_samples/106237.npy
    ln -s ../119949.npy lms_fsd50kdev/vis_samples/119949.npy
  4. Once your data is ready, start pre-training as follows.

    python 80x208p16x16_your_test --input_size 80x208 --data_path lms_fsd50kdev --dataset trainingfiles --model=mae_vit_base_patch16x16

3-1. About run folders

The training loop creates a folder called the run folder to store artifacts of your training run, such as a log, visualizations, and checkpoints. In the example above, the 80x208p16x16_your_test is the run folder name which has a format below:

 - input_size: Two integers concatenated with `x`.
 - patch_size: Two integers concatenated with `x`.
 - your_free_string: Optional.

NOTE: When a model is evaluated by EVAR or hear-eval-kit, the input and patch size parameters written in the run name are used.

3-2. Evalidation during training

The training loop takes two actions for evaluating checkpoints during training: visualization and calling an external command (EVAR by default).

  • While training, will call a script named for every 20 epochs by default. You can edit for your purpose.

  • The training loop also visualizes reconstruction results using checkpoints. You can find them under the sub-folder of the run folder, such as 80x208p16x16_tttt/19. The folder contains raw results in .npy and image files in .png as the following examples.

    recon_126AbihZt28 recon_A1TNpj9hHW0 recon_v1Xn9GONUDE

4. Visualization Examples

👉 An example notebook is available. 👈

You can try visualizations of reconstruction results as well as attention maps.

  • Download that contains example wave samples from the releases and unzip the zip file in the misc folder beforehand.

A reconstruction examples:


An attention map examples:


5. Pre-trainede Weights and Network Structure Details

Three pre-trained weights are published on the releases, and the followings are their EVAR task results:

weight esc50 us8k spcv2 vc1 voxforge cremad gtzan nsynth surge
80x512p16x16_paper 89.1% 84.3% 93.1% 56.1% 97.5% 70.1% 79.3% 76.9% 37.5%
80x512p16x16_0425 88.9% 84.0% 92.4% 56.5% 96.8% 67.6% 81.4% 76.1% 37.4%
80x208p16x16_0422 87.1% 82.2% 91.1% 49.7% 95.6% 66.9% 75.9% 76.5% 37.8%
  • 80x512p16x16_paper: This weight is the pre-trained weight used to calculate the numbers in the paper, trained on our old unpolished code. Cannot be used for visualizations due to a minor difference in the decoder structure.
  • 80x512p16x16_0425: This weight is a pre-trained weight that is trained with the current code to check reproducibility.
  • 80x208p16x16_0422: This weight is a pre-trained weight that is trained with the current code to check reproducibility.

FYI: You can check a notebook that summarizes EVAR task results.

5-1. Network Structure Details

Our ViT network implementation has three minor differences from the original MAE implementation, due to historical reason. (We have already been testing based on pengzhiliang/MAE-pytorch in late 2021, before the MAE implementation became available.)

  • Our implementation follows BEiT, where the k bias is always zero in the Attention calculation. Though it is explained to be equivalent in terms of calculation results, we keep this implementation in our network for better reproducibility.
  • [CLS] token is removable by the option --no_cls_token.
  • The decoder uses 1d positional embedding. You can switch to the 2d version by the option --dec_pos_2d.

6. License

See LICENSE for details.


We appreciate these publicly available implementations and all the modules our experiments heavily depend on!



Masked Spectrogram Modeling using Masked Autoencoders for Learning General-purpose Audio Representations



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