jon-ruckwood / hal-feed-server

HAL+JSON feed server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HAL+JSON feed server

Build Status

HAL+JSON based feed server.

The server is built using Dropwizard.

A feed contains feed entries in descending order of publish date.

A feed entry contains a payload of data specific to your domain, represented by any valid JSON.

Operations currently supported on a feed:

  • GET to view paginated feed of entries
  • GET to view specific feed entry
  • POST to publish new feed entry

Downloading pre-built server JAR

The server JAR can be downloaded from

Building server JAR from source

To build:

mvn clean package


To configure the server, create a file in the following location:


or specify a custom location for this file via a system property:

java -Dconf=file-path -jar ...

Example configuration file:

# Public url of feed.
# This is to cater for load balancers, CNAMEs which may sit in front of your local server.

# Name of feed
feedName: Test feed

# Basic HTTP Authentication (exclude if not required)
  username: admin
  password: password

# Additional links to include for each feed entry. Links can optionally include named
# parameters (i.e. {name}) that refer to attributes belonging to a feed entry's payload.
  - rel: other
  - rel: other2

# Default number of feed entries to include per page
defaultEntriesPerPage: 10

  # Error if payload to publish does not contain the following mandatory attributes
    - customerId
    - customerName

# Payload attributes to hide when viewing a page of feed entries
  - customerId
  - customerName

# Data source for feed persistence (only Mysql supported)
  driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  user: usr
  password: pwd
  url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/feed-db
  validationQuery: select 1

# Local server HTTP configuration
  port: 8080
  adminPort: 8081
    timeZone: GB
      enabled: false
      enabled: true
      currentLogFilename: /usr/local/logs/hal-feed-access.log
      archivedLogFilenamePattern: /usr/local/logs/hal-feed-access-%d.log.gz
      archivedFileCount: 5

# Logging configuration
  level: INFO
    enabled: false
    timeZone: GB
    enabled: true
    timeZone: GB
    currentLogFilename: /usr/local/logs/hal-feed.log
    archive: true
    archivedLogFilenamePattern: /usr/local/logs/hal-feed-%d.log.gz
    archivedFileCount: 5

This is a Dropwizard configuration file - refer for further configuration options available for "databaseConfiguration", "http" and "logging".

Database schema creation/ modification

Patches for the database schema are sync'd automatically during server startup using Flyway.

Running server

To start server:

java -jar target/hal-feed-server.jar


To request the latest page of feed entries:

GET: <publicBaseUrl>/feed  HTTP 1.1


200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_name": "Test feed",

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "<publicBaseUrl>/feed"

    "_embedded": {
        "entries": [
                "_links": {
                    "self": {"href": "<publicBaseUrl>/feed/2"}
                "_id": "2",
                "_published": "17/05/2013 15:58:07"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {"href": "<publicBaseUrl>/feed/1"}
                "_id": "1",
                "_published": "17/05/2013 14:05:07"
  • Response will include a "next" link relation for navigating to an earlier page of entries. If no earlier entries exist, then the "next" link will not be present.

  • Response will include a "previous" link relation for navigating to a later page of entries. If no later entries exist, then the "previous" link will not be present.

  • Each feed entry will include additional "_id" and "_published" attributes. The "_id" is guaranteed to be unique per feed entry. To avoid conflicts, it's advisable not to publish payload attributes prefixed with underscores.

To request a specific entry from the feed:

GET: <publicBaseUrl>/feed/2  HTTP 1.1


200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_links": {
        "self": {"href": "<publicBaseUrl>/feed/2"}
    "_id": "2",
    "_published": "17/05/2013 15:58:07",
    "customerId": "H12345678",
    "customerName": "Mr B Hal"

To publish a new feed entry containing given payload attributes:

POST: <publicBaseUrl>/feed  HTTP 1.1

Content-Type: application/json

    "customerId": "B18273645",
    "customerName": "Mr C Bob"


201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Location: <publicBaseUrl>/feed/3

    "_links": {
        "self": {"href": "<publicBaseUrl>/feed/3"}
    "_id": "3",
    "_published": "17/05/2013 16:05:07",
    "customerId": "B18273645",
    "customerName": "Mr C Bob"

Consuming feed

Libraries written to consume from feeds:

Health check and metrics

Provided by Dropwizard - refer for more details.

Check whether server is running, either via application port, or admin port:

GET: <serverhost>:<port>/ping

GET: <serverhost>:<adminPort>/ping

Retrieve health check of server, including database connectivity:

GET: <serverhost>:<adminPort>/healthcheck
GET: <serverhost>:<port>/healthcheck

Retrieve metrics of server:

GET: <serverhost>:<adminPort>/metrics

GET: <serverhost>:<adminPort>/metrics?pretty=true

Retrieve a JVM thread dump:

GET: <serverhost>:<adminPort>/threads


HAL+JSON feed server


Language:Java 58.8%Language:Groovy 41.2%