jomoljaison / Ethereum-Online-electronics-shopping


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project name: Ethereumarketplace

The dapp Ethereum Samsung that runs on the blockchain. It allows Product owner to list Products for sale, it also allows people to buy product using their account ether .Whenever someone buy the product, they instantly become the product owner. That’s because this application is by a smart contract on the blockchain which manages the products. It tracks who owns the product for sale, and it transfers the ownership of the items automatically anytime someone buys them. Two modules:--- Product Owner: Product owner can add products with details as Product id,Product name,Product height,Product width,Product Warranty,Other Details,Product price.Product ower can search product uing product id and he can withdraw cash from contarct that pay by buyer. Product Buyer: Buyer can buy the available products by giving product id ,product price and their account balance.

Setting Up:

Step 1: Download the repostory using the command:

Git Clone ""

In order to run this project locally in your computer you need the following packages installed in your System and the commands to install the packages are given below:

Step 2 You need to install Nodejs.

<command> : npm install nodejs
 Download ganache :

Step 3Run the following commands before the project is run:

1. sudo apt-get install npm
2. npm install
3. npm install express-generator
4. npm install web3
5. npm install truffle

Step 4Open ganache

	Create new workspace
	1.Workspace name : SamsungContarct
	2.Server : Hostname------
		      Port Number---- 8545
		      Network ID----- 4002
	3.Save workspace

Step 5Change coinbase address in app.js

Step 6Change contract environment to Web3 provider

Step 7Use the following command to deploy the smart contract to the connected chain:

   <command> : truffle migrate

Step 8Run the dapp using the command

   <command> :  npm start  

Step 9: Go http://localhost:3006/




Language:JavaScript 45.2%Language:EJS 31.9%Language:Solidity 13.8%Language:CSS 9.1%