A curated list of awesome Mondo related things
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
- Mondo Website
- π° Mondo Blog
- π¬ Mondo Community Forum
- π Mondo API Documentation
- π§ Developers Console
- π’ Developer Slack
- π§ Developer Mailing List
- Mondough on Github
- π¨ Mondo Service Status
- mondo-dashboard - A dashboard built on top of the Mondo API
- mondoweb - An online banking client built on the Mondo API
- mondo-web - Mondo online banking app
- mondobar - Your Mondo balance in your menubar
- Mondo.extension - A browser extension for Mondo
- Mon.do Chrome Extension - A browser extension for your Mondo account to get display your current balance and days spending
- Mondo.NET - A C# client library for the Mondo bank API
- MondoAspNetMvcSample - Sample Mondo.NET web app
- MondoUniversalWindowsSample - Sample Mondo.NET desktop/phone app
- mondo-bank - Node wrapper for Mondo API
- mondo-lambda-auth - AWS Lambda functions for fetching and refreshing Mondo tokens
- MondoJs - A javascript client for the Mondo API
- mondo-webhook-mock - Small tool for mocking outgoing Mondo webhooks
- Mondo-Client - A Mondo Bank API Client
- mondo-php - A PHP-HTTP and PSR-7 Mondo API client
- oauth-mondo - A Mondo provider for the PHP League OAuth 2.0 Client
- mondo-ruby (official) - The Mondo Ruby client provides a simple Ruby interface to the Mondo API
- omni-auth-mondo - Mondo strategy for OmniAuth
- omniauth-mondo-example - Example Sinatra app using the Mondo provider for OmniAuth
- Foursquare - Auto-foursquare checkin on transansactions
- MondoSquared - Automatically check into foursquare when using your Mondo card
- Google Calendar - Put your bank transactions in your Google Calendar
- GMail - email receipts automatically linked to your transactions
- Google sheets - Automatically add transactions to a Google spreadsheet
- Uber - Instant publishing of Uber receipts to your Mondo bank feed
- Nectar Card - Loyalty scheme balance tracking in your Mondo account
- mondo-tx-heatmap - Mondo transactions displayed as a heatmap
- mondochat
- TeamCash - a smart spending tracker for small teams and businesses
- mondo-bills - service to monitor subscriptions and bills coming out of your Mondo account automatically
- bitmondo - Show Bitcoin transactions at Mondo feed
- #mondohack - A weekend of hacking on banking APIs
- #mondohack: More Projects - Projects from the second Mondo hackathon
- Mondo Hack and the bank of tomorrow
- Mondo Hackathon 2
- What does a bank look like on your TV?
- Mondo Hackathon 2
- Golang UK Conference 2015 - Matt Heath - Building a Bank with Go
- HNLondon - Tom Blomfield - Mondo: building a full-stack bank
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first. π