jokieleung / Real-TimeFaceRecognition

a Real-TimeFaceRecognition(1:N) Demo Fine-tuning By FaceNet

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Real Time Face Recognition Fine-tuning By FaceNet

This is a real time face recognition demo(1:N in the face database ) fine-tuning by FaceNet using a Chinese Face Training Dataset spiding by PIXEL COMPANY and have a better performance than the pre-trained model provided by the FaceNet's author.

Usage should register your face in the face database named ./FaceDataSet by running

2.Run Real time face detection and to test the performance.

Details About the Training Set

This is a dataset spiding by PIXEL COMPANY which is not privided in public,including 7984 people(about 38850 samples).The example of one of the persons are showed as belowed:

Details On the Fine-tuning paras

I use the source provided by the FaceNet's author to fine-tuning the pre-trained model provided by him.

  • Input image size(aligned Face image)


  • embedding_size


  • images_per_person


  • batch_size


  • epoch_size


  • max_nrof_epochs


Performance of the fine-tunning model

Test L2-Distance in the face images

  • Images:

0: b1.png

1: b6.png

2: y1.png

3: y6.png

4: k1.png

5: s1.png

6: j1.jpg

7: j2.jpg

8: c1.png

9: c2.png

  • Distance Matrix

Distance matrix

   0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9     

0 0.0000 0.1829 1.2259 1.2261 1.1326 1.1039 0.9905 0.9857 1.2346 1.4076
1 0.1829 0.0000 1.2482 1.2475 1.1383 1.1056 1.0358 1.0373 1.2421 1.4111
2 1.2259 1.2482 0.0000 0.1146 1.0772 1.1344 1.0892 1.0916 0.9325 1.0117
3 1.2261 1.2475 0.1146 0.0000 1.0658 1.1275 1.1226 1.1223 0.9188 1.0004
4 1.1326 1.1383 1.0772 1.0658 0.0000 0.9561 1.1950 1.1986 1.0749 1.2382
5 1.1039 1.1056 1.1344 1.1275 0.9561 0.0000 1.0651 1.0700 1.1142 1.2993
6 0.9905 1.0358 1.0892 1.1226 1.1950 1.0651 0.0000 0.1443 1.2670 1.2683
7 0.9857 1.0373 1.0916 1.1223 1.1986 1.0700 0.1443 0.0000 1.2678 1.2682
8 1.2346 1.2421 0.9325 0.9188 1.0749 1.1142 1.2670 1.2678 0.0000 0.9273
9 1.4076 1.4111 1.0117 1.0004 1.2382 1.2993 1.2683 1.2682 0.9273 0.0000

ori model

Distance matrix 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.0000 0.1378 1.0435 1.0528 0.9380 0.8837 1.1112 1.1011 1.0005 0.9732
1 0.1378 0.0000 1.0400 1.0485 0.9404 0.8830 1.1114 1.1042 1.0048 0.9796
2 1.0435 1.0400 0.0000 0.1265 1.0505 1.1035 1.0239 1.0140 0.9753 0.9692
3 1.0528 1.0485 0.1265 0.0000 1.0518 1.1178 1.0379 1.0280 0.9686 0.9720
4 0.9380 0.9404 1.0505 1.0518 0.0000 0.8731 1.1282 1.1159 0.9533 1.0348
5 0.8837 0.8830 1.1035 1.1178 0.8731 0.0000 1.0611 1.0712 1.1097 1.0857
6 1.1112 1.1114 1.0239 1.0379 1.1282 1.0611 0.0000 0.1318 1.0176 1.1431
7 1.1011 1.1042 1.0140 1.0280 1.1159 1.0712 0.1318 0.0000 1.0147 1.1384
8 1.0005 1.0048 0.9753 0.9686 0.9533 1.1097 1.0176 1.0147 0.0000 0.9370
9 0.9732 0.9796 0.9692 0.9720 1.0348 1.0857 1.1431 1.1384 0.9370 0.0000

The loss in the training process





a Real-TimeFaceRecognition(1:N) Demo Fine-tuning By FaceNet


Language:Python 100.0%