Dan Darnell (joinify)


Geek Repo


Home Page:https://joinify.co


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dan Darnell's repositories


A basic overview would include that this will be an affiliate marketing training platform for beginners(nothing like Clickbank, though we may use their products among other companies) with community efforts using BUDDYPRESS... and an LMS to be later installed (possibly LearnDash but it's expensive). A mission that is similar to Wealthy Affiliate. This project sparked from real-life homelessness experience of 6 months living in a car so it is to be targeted toward homeless people or, in other words, the less-fortunate and struggling


Sample store accepting universal payments on the web with Stripe Elements, Payment Request, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and the PaymentIntents API. 💳🌍✨
