johnsoga / MacOS

Apple OSX/MacOS Setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MacOS Setup Guide

GUI Apps:


AppStore Apps:


It is best practice to start from a clean slate which include a clean wipe of the machine to ensure a clean/fresh install. Depending on your level of paranoia this would include wiping a brand new machine as well. Possibly the most important detail would be to turn on Filevault. You will only be prompted for this during the inital machine setup after you've entered you iCloud details otherwise after going through the intial setup prompts you can enable afterwards see here. Afterwards, perform the following to setup the machine:

  1. Install Xcode or Xcode Tools (Homebrew Requirement). In atleast v4.2.4 or higher it appears the installer will automatically install Xcode Tools if required

    xcode-select --install
  2. Install Homebrew

    Update $PATH in .bashrc to include Homebrew binaries. Ensure Homebrew binaries come first as this will be important to ensure packages such as python3 and pip3 use the Homebrew binaries for these over the built-in system versions

    export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH


    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Install Python3

    brew install python3
  4. Install Ansible

    python3 -m pip install --user ansible

    Update $PATH in .bashrc as this is where the Ansible binaries are installed

    export PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/3.11/bin


    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Create a directory to store repositories in and clone the repo

    mkdir ~/Documents/Code
    cd ~/Documents/Code
    git clone
    cd MacOS


Installing Applications

All applications listed above will be installed using the apps.yml playbook

ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts.txt apps.yml

Configuring the Dock

Customizations on the docks animations & layout are done using the dock.yml playbook

ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts.txt dock.yml

Automator Automations

In general trying to automate setting MacOS/OSX System Preferences is a bit of a hit-or-miss game filled with trial and error. While some options can be reliably set using the defaults command, a popular example here, this can involve logging out or resetting the machine which is not desirable. Even more so there is not a 1-to-1 mapping of System Preferences to plist's to be updated via defaults leaving some configurations that seemingly cannot be set that way. To me this leaves the better approach to be using the tools(however irritating they maybe) that Apple has provided, put simply Automator. I've created an Automator application that can be double-clicked to install that will go through and set various System Preferences namely:

Track Pad
  • Look up & data detectors (Disable)
  • Secondary click/Two-finger right-click (Enable)
  • Tap to click (Enable)
  • Scroll direction: Natural (Disable)
  • App Expose (Enable)
  • Battery Percentage in Menu Bar (Enable)
  • Show Spotlight in Menu Bar (Disable)
  • Require password immediately after sleep (Enable)
  • Firewall: Turn on (Enable)
cd automator


  • Open Little Snitch to finish installation and activate

Disable Game Center

Personally I don't use it outside of my phone, navigate to: System Settings > Game Center > Sign Out


Apple OSX/MacOS Setup

License:MIT License