johnsci911 / nvim-ide

VIM on steroids

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Neovim PDE - Personalized Development Environment


A neovim configuration base from the vim community

Awesome Plugins that are used

  • Tabnine - AI base autocompletion integrated with cmp
  • lsp-trouble - to jumping between lsp warnings
  • nvim-treesitter - for accurate syntax highlighting
  • vim-windowswap - to swap windows
  • nvim-telescope - to preview files while searching
  • ctrlsf.vim and vim-visual-multi - to find and replace some text with multi-cursor support
  • vim-easy-align - (gaip) Easy align texts
  • Neoclip - Clipboard
  • Neorg - ORG Mode for organization (Similar to Emacs)

What's new

  • C# (Omnisharp WIP)
  • Re-add Galaxyline status line
  • Notifications
  • Clipboards!
  • Lazy.nvim (Faster loading package manager)
  • Tabnine autocompletion support
  • Update Icon to fix nerd fonts incompatibility
  • Laravel blade syntax highlighting (Beta) 🔥
  • Neogit - for GIT superpowers

Packages Required

  • Neovim 0.10.*
  • ripgrep
  • fzf, fd and Chafa - Required by Telescope media files
  • Tabnine code complection (Create your own account. Free version is awesome)
  • Neorg Note taking plugin (GCC 14+)
  • Silicon - Required for nvim-silicon a code snapshot plugin
Compatible OS
  • Mac and Linux

LSP Auto-install

  • C++ (clang)
  • bash
  • css
  • html
  • json
  • lua
  • intelephense - (Phpactor if not using paid intelephense)
  • python
  • vim
  • yaml
  • vue
  • emmet ls
  • c-sharp
  • TailwindCSS
  • GraphQL

Custom Syntax Highlighting

  • Blade
  • Norg - Neo ORG


  • Improve keybindings for Tabnine autocompletion
  • Formatters for various web frameworks (disabled by default)
  • Use uberzug to preview media files
  • Fix 'FzfLua files' command in whichkey


VIM on steroids


Language:Lua 98.9%Language:Scheme 1.1%