johnosmond / breakdance-issues-01

Some code and instuctions for correcting or finding workaround for some issues with the Breakdance WordPress Builder.

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Issues with Breakdance Builder for WordPress (Episode 1)

Please Note This solutions has been DEPRECATED.

Please see full solution here:

DEPRECATED solution kept here for completeness

This is some code and instuctions for correcting or finding a work-around for some issues with the Breakdance Builder for WordPress.

You can find a video about this here:

I like Breakdance Builder, but there are some issues with it. Recently, I've figured out how to correct some of them and would like to share my findings with you here.


Issue #1

If you build your menus with the BD Menu Builder and include drop-down menus, the 'active' settings that you decided on do not apply to the items in any drop-down menu.

Issue #1.1

(because it's related)

The 'active' settings also do not bubble up to the parent when a submenu page is active.

To be clear, the 'active' settings apply to the top-level menu item when that page is the active page, but when any of the items in the drop-down is the active page, neither the item in the drop-down nor the parent at the top get the 'active' settings applied to them.

Issue #2

The mobile menu does not allow the top-level item of a drop-down menu to click through to it's linked page. When in mobile view, the top-level becomes a selector only.


In order to solve these issues you will need a child theme. Breakdance recommends disabling the theme in the BD settings. However, if you do select to keep your theme they recommend using the 'Breakdance Zero Theme'. That is what we will do.

So, in preparation follow these steps:

  • Change the settings in BD to 'Keep Theme'.
  • Upload and activate the BD Zero Theme.
  • Open your application in VS Code (or another editor of your choice).
  • In the 'breakdance-zero-theme-master' folder, create a new folder called 'js'.
  • In that folder create a new file called 'menu.js'.

We'll use the 'menu.js' file and the theme's 'functions.php' file in the solutions.

Solutions/Work Arounds

Here is how I deal with these issues.

Issue #1

(This one's easy.)

Add this CSS to the custom CSS for the menu builder. Be sure that your viewport is set to 'Desktop' level.

.breakdance-dropdown-item--active .breakdance-dropdown-link__label {
  color: red;

In other words, select the 'Menu Builder' in the structure on the right. Then select the 'Advanced' tab on the left. In the 'Custom CSS' block, remove the default code, and paste the code written above.

That should make the items in the drop-down menu highlight in red (or whatever color you want).

Issue #1.1

(This one is a bit harder.)

Open the 'menu.js' file you created in VS Code and paste this code:

// change the color of the top-level link in the dropdown menu 
// if the current URL matches the URL of a submenu item
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // Get the current URL of the page
    const currentUrl = window.location.href;

    // Find all the dropdown menus that contain submenu items
    const dropdownMenus = document.querySelectorAll('.breakdance-dropdown');

    dropdownMenus.forEach(dropdown => {
        // Get the top-level link of the dropdown
        const topLevelLink = dropdown.querySelector('.breakdance-dropdown-toggle > a');
        // Get all submenu links
        const submenuLinks = dropdown.querySelectorAll('.breakdance-dropdown-link');

        // Check each submenu link to see if its href matches the current URL
        submenuLinks.forEach(link => {
            if (currentUrl.includes(link.href)) {
                // If a submenu link matches the current URL, change the top-level link color to red
       = 'red';

Then open your 'functions.php' file for the Zero Theme and paste this at the bottom:

// added script for menu customization
function my_custom_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script('my-custom-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/menu.js', array(), false, true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_custom_scripts');

Refresh your page and you should see that the parent of the active submenu page highlights in red.

Issue 2

(This is more of a work around.)

First, you need to decide at what viewport level you want to show your mobile menu. Select your Menu Builder in the structure on the right, then select the design tab on the left. Open the 'Mobile Menu' section and select the viewport size that you want your mobile menu to kick in. If you don't select anything it will show at 'Tablet Landscape' level by default. Remember this selection for later.

Next you need to go to the menu drop-down where you want to apply this work around. Enter a new link to the column (or first column if you have multiple). Enter a link text that will make sense to the reader (ie, if the top-level menu item says "Services" then this text should say "Services Page" or something like that). Then create the URL for the link. It will be the same URL as the top-level menu. Be sure to move this to the top of the column. Also, remember the exact text you entered because we're going to use that to find and target this submenu item with JavaScript.

Do this for as many drop-down menus as you have in your menu builder.

Now, go back to VS Code and add this to the bottom of your 'menu.js' file:

// Define an array of page names you want to check
const pagesToHide = ['Services Page', 'Newsletter Page'];

document.querySelectorAll('li a span').forEach(function(span) {
    // Loop through each page in the array and check if the span's textContent matches any of them
    pagesToHide.forEach(function(page) {
        if (span.textContent.trim() === page) {

In the array at the top, be sure to put the text you used to create the extra links in the drop-down menus.

Then go back to the Menu Builder's 'Advanced' tab and place your focus at the bottom of the 'Custom CSS' box again.

IMPORTANT: Be sure that you viewport is on 'Desktop' and place this below what you placed in Issue 1.1:

.hide-menu-item {
  display: none;

Then change your viewport to the same level as you set to have the mobile menu display, in the same 'Custom CSS' box place this:

.hide-menu-item {
  display: inherit;

That will hide the extra tab that is not needed for the desktop menu, but will show it for the mobile menu.


I believe that is all. I hope that helps you out.

You can find a video about this here:

-- John Osmond


Some code and instuctions for correcting or finding workaround for some issues with the Breakdance WordPress Builder.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0