johnnremy / task-manager-node

A basic Task-Manager/Todo-list app where I can view list of tasks, add new task, update existing task, and also delete a task.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Task-manager/Todo-list App

This is a Node.js / Express project. You can view the documentaion to this project Here.

Getting Started

First, use npm to install package dependencies.

npm install

Then run the development server:

npm run dev

If everything went well, the following log message should be displayed in your console output:

Server is listening at port 3000...

Note!! if you haven't added your db connection url in your .env file you might likely get this error: MongooseError: The 'uri' parameter to 'openUri()' must be a string, got "undefined". Make sure the first parameter to 'mongoose.connect()' or 'mongoose.createConnection()' is a string.

Environmental Variable

Rename the file env.text to .env. The file should include the following content:


Note!! in other for the app to work properly, you need to create the database 'Task-Manager' yourself in your 'MongoDB Atlas' cluster before performing any other action within the app.


Task Manager is open to contributions, but I recommend creating an issue before making pull requests, that way you can link the pull request to that issue. Here is a guidline if you aren't familiar with how it works.

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a new branch for the issue you are willing to fix, eg : semver
  3. After making changes, commit your changes with a descriptive commit message, eg : Changed semver verion in package-lock.json.
  4. Create a pull request to the dev branch not main.
  5. Ensure to describe your pull request and preferably link it to an issue.


A basic Task-Manager/Todo-list app where I can view list of tasks, add new task, update existing task, and also delete a task.


Language:JavaScript 43.6%Language:CSS 40.4%Language:HTML 16.0%