johnneerdael / netskope-web

Personal website created with Hugo and served with Netlify

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Personal Website (2020 - 2023)

This repository is archived. It contacts the theme and stack (Hugo) that I used for my website 2020 - 2023.



Hugo Version

I have included the undeployed modifications I made to get it to work with Hugo v0.122 (the live version on Netlify Hugo v0.108) in a folder called v0.122 in case it ever needs to be built again.

My personal website ( created with Hugo and served with Netlify. The theme is a modified version of the hello-friend-ng theme.


  1. Install Hugo and verify the install:
brew install hugo
hugo version
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install the hello-friend-ng base theme:
git submodule add themes/hello-friend-ng
  1. Start the Hugo server with drafts and future-dated posts enabled:
hugo server -D -F
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:1313/ to preview the website.

  2. Publish and build the static pages when finished:

hugo -D


Content Organization

Posts are created and writtin as markdown .md and stored in the content/posts directory.

This isn't great for organization (images for posts need to live elsewhere by default), so you can use Page Bundles to group post content together.

  • Create a folder with the post title in the content/posts directory, eg: content/posts/my-new-post.
  • The name of the directory will be what Hugo sets as the permalink to the post!
  • The markdown file is renamed to and placed into the my-new-post directory.
  • All images related to the post are also stored in the my-new-post directory along with the markdown file.
  • This way, you can refer to images directly in the markdown file and they can be previewed correctly while you are writing.

Front Matter

Each post should start with the following at the top of the markdown documents:

title: "My New Post"
date: 2020-05-17
description: "This is a description for my brand new post."
cover: banner.png
tags: [azure, lab, notes]
comments: false
toc: true
draft: false
Attribute Description
title The title of the post. NOT used for the URL/permalink, but is what shows up on the front page and list views of the website.
date Date of the post in YYYY-MM-DD format. Time and timezone was removed as part of this theme so are not needed.
description Brief summary of the post. Not used in this theme at the moment.
cover The image file (if any) to be used as the cover image for the post (the large image at the top of the post).
tags Array of tags relevant to the post
comments Not used yet. Need to re-implement Disqus...
toc Whether to enable the Table of Contents at the top of the post. If true, ToC is automatically created using the H1/H2/H3 headings (each nested accordingly).
draft Whether this post is a draft or not. If true, this post will not be published.

Creating a new post

Create a new post via the following:

hugo new posts/my-new-post/

This will create a folder in content/posts called my-new-folder and the file associated with it. Front matter will automatically be created and inserted into the markdown file (although it will differ from the above slightly).

Images and Static Content

The static folder is used for all static files for the website - images, js, css, and so on.

Files in this folder are served from the site root. For example:

  • static/image.png can be accessed at /image.png or
  • static/js/main.js can be accessed at /js/main.js, etc.

Any images or files included in a page bundle (folder for a post that contains the markdown file and all related images and files for that post, eg: content/posts/my-new-post/...) are served NOT from the site root, but relative to that folder, eg: ![image](image.png).


Don't modify the theme directly (under themes/hello-friend-ng). Instead, copy the files you want to change to the appropriate directory in the root of the site, and make your changes to the copy. Hugo will use these files first, before looking in the themes folder. This method allows you to use an up-to-date version of the base theme, without having to go through and overwrite your changes again.

For example:

  • /themes/<theme-name>/layouts/... -> /layouts/... (anything HTML or relating to structure)
  • /themes/<theme-name>/static/fonts/... -> /static/fonts/... (fonts, or anything static to be served)
  • /themes/<theme-name>/assets/scss -> /assets/scss/... (scss, so essentially any style changes you make)

You may need to manually create the assets folder in the site root.


Initial Deployment

The Hugo team have posted a great guide to initial deployment with Netlify here.


Netlify will build and redeploy the site every time changes are pushed to the git repo; no additional taks required (CD).


  • Customize archetype to use correct front matter
  • Re-add comments (?)
  • Favicons


Personal website created with Hugo and served with Netlify



Language:HTML 94.7%Language:SCSS 5.2%Language:JavaScript 0.1%