johnistan / env-excavator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tools for exconverting environment variables to native python objects


Install env-excavator:

pip install env-excavator

Example use it in a project:

>>> import os
>>> import excavator
>>> os.environ['FROM_EMAIL'] = ''
>>> excavator.env_string('FROM_EMAIL')
... ''
>>> os.environ['DEBUG'] = 'True'
>>> DEBUG = excavator.env_bool('DEBUG')
... True
>>> os.environ['ALLOWED_HOSTS'] = ','
>>> excavator.env_list('ALLOWED_HOSTS')
['', '']


  • excavator.env_string(name, required=False, default=''):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment returning it as a string. If not present in the environment and no default is specified, an empty string is returned.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)

  • excavator.env_bool(name, truthy_values=('True', 'true'), required=False, default=None):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment returning it as a boolean. The strings 'True' and 'true' are the default truthy values. If not present in the environment and no default is specified, None is returned.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    truthy_values - An iterable of values that should be considered truthy.

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)

  • excavator.env_list(name, separator=',', required=False, default=[]):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment, splitting it on a separator, and returning it as a list. Extra whitespace on the list values is stripped. List values that evaluate as falsy are removed. If not present and no default specified, an empty list is returned.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    separator - The separator that the string should be split on.

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)

  • excavator.env_int(name, separator=',', required=False, default=''):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment and casts it to an integer. If the name is not present in the environment and no default is specified then a ValueError will be raised. Similarly, if the environment value is not castable to an integer, a ValueError will be raised.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)

  • excavator.env_timestamp(name, required=False, default=''):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment and parses it to a datetime.datetime object. The environment variable is expected to be a timestamp in the form of a float.

    If the name is not present in the environment and no default is specified then a ValueError will be raised.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)

  • excavator.env_iso8601(name, required=False, default=''):

    Pulls an environment variable out of the environment and parses it to a datetime.datetime object. The environment variable is expected to be an iso8601 formatted string.

    If the name is not present in the environment and no default is specified then a ValueError will be raised.

    name - the name of the environment variable be pulled

    required - Whether the environment variable is required. If True and the variable is not present, a KeyError is raised.

    default - The value to return if the environment variable is not present. (providing a default alongside setting required=True will raise a ValueError)


License:MIT License


Language:Python 95.4%Language:Makefile 4.6%