johninvictus / sboda

Safeboda promocode generator based on geo location

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Make sure you have a running Postgres Database
  2. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  3. make sure the Postgres password and username is correct inside config/dev.exs and config/test.exs
  4. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  5. Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  6. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server


user@user:~$ iex -S mix

iex> mix test


-[ X ]- Generation of new promo codes for events

Function: Sboda.Marketing.create_promocode(attr)

iex > param = %{
  title: "SAFE_BODA_EVENT",
  lat: 43.0387105,
  logt: -87.9074701,
  expir_str: "2019-07-01 23:00:07",
  worth_str: "250.00",
  distance: 400.3,
  currency: "KES",
  active: true

iex> Sboda.Marketing.create_promocode(param)
  {:ok, %Promocode{}} | {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
Test: tested in Sboda.MarketingTest

**-[ X ]- The promo code is worth a specific amount of ride**
Promo code has a field of type money that is accepting UGX or KES currency

-[ X ]- The promo code can expire

Promo code has expir field which is a NaiveDateTime, that can be used to check if the promo is expired

-[ X ]- Can be deactivated

Promo code has an active field, which can be set to false hence deactivating the code.

-[ X ]- Return active promo codes

For this task am returning promo codes that have the active field set to true and expir date is bigger or equal to date now.

Function: Sboda.Marketing.get_active_promocodes()

iex> Sboda.Marketing.get_active_promocodes()
  [%Promocode{}] | []

-[ X ]- Return all promo codes

Here am returning all promo codes from the database

Function: Sboda.Marketing.get_all_promocodes()

iex> Sboda.Marketing.get_all_promocodes()
  [%Promocode{}] | []

Test is done inside: Sboda.MarketingTest

-[ X ]- Only valid when user’s pickup or destination is within x radius of the event venue

 Here I was checking if destination or origin is within the radius of the promocode applied if yes. use it, else: return an error


 -  Sboda.Ride.ValidateRequest
     I am using embedded_schema to validate if origin or destination is within the

<promo/event radius

 -  Marketing.location_within_event(promocode, dest_point)
     Am using [Geocalc]( libray to check if the detination.origin is within the promocode radius.

-[ X ]- The promo code radius should be configurable

For this I have created a function that when provided with the title of the promo code and the radius it changes the radius.

iex> Sboda.Marketing.change_radius(title, radius)
   {:ok, %Promocode{}} | {:changeset_error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} | {:error, term()}
>Test are include

**-[ X ]- To test the validity of the promo code, expose an endpoint that accept origin, destination, the promo code. The API should return the promo code details and a polyline using the destination and origin if promo code is valid and an error otherwise. **

For this task I created post("/ride/request", RideController, :request)

Endpoint which takes in origin, destination and the promocode title. @params

POST_URL: http://localhost:4000/api/v1/ride/request

 "origin": {
     "latitude": 43.0387105,
     "longitude": -87.9074701
 "destination": {
   "latitude": 43.035253,
   "longitude": -87.9033059
  "promocode": "SAFE_BODA_EVENT"

To generate the polyline I created a simple DirectionApi wrapper to get the polystring and decode into a list of coordinates.

Alt text


-[ X ]- Created endpoints for getting all promo codes, updating radius and getting active promo codes.


Safeboda promocode generator based on geo location


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