johnhenry / liedenticon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Transform a string into a unique image.

Liedenticons vs Identicons

Liedenticon is a ripoff of extension of Identicon with a few major differences.


Liedenticon separates image generation into two separate classes. One to generate SVGs and another to generate PNGs.

Common JS Module

const {SVG, PNG} = require("liedenticon");

ES6 Module

import { SVG, PNG } from "liedenticon/js";

ES6 Module

<script src="../vendor/liedenticon/browser.js"></script>
  const {SVG, PNG} = window.Liedenticon;

SVG Class

By default the SVG module will generate an svg string to be embedded in a document.

console.log(new SVG("...")); //logs "<svg ..."

Passing a truthy paramater to the "toString" method will create a string that can be used directly as the source attribute of an image.

console.log(new SVG("...").toString(true)); //logs "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg ..."

Passing a second truthy paramater returns the base 64 encoded string.

console.log(new SVG("...").toString(true, true)); //logs "data:image/svg+xml;base64,..."

PNG ModuClassle

The PNG module will generate a base64 string by default with a preamble attached.

console.log(new SVG("...")); //logs "data:image/svg+png;base64,..."

Passing a falsy parameter to "toString" method will drop the preamble.

console.log(new SVG("...").toString(false)); //logs "..."


Both the SVG and PNG modules both inherit from an internal class called Graphic. It should be easy to extend this object and support other fomats by implementing a "renderImage" and a "toString" method.

import Graphics from "Liedenticon/graphic";
class NewFormat extends Graphics {
  renderImage(hash, size, padding, background, foreground) {
  toString() {

Color Support

In addition to using an array for colors, Liedenticon supports 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 digit hex color codes. 2, 4, and 8 digit colors support alpha channels

Padding vs Margin

We've replaced the "margin" option "padding" as it this more closely fits this definition used by most web developers.

Padding Percentage

Padding also supports values given as percentage strings.

const svg = new SVG("...", { padding: "20%" });



SVG ⇐ liedenticons/graphic

Kind: global class
Extends: liedenticons/graphic

new SVG(hash, options)

A hash represented as an SVG

Param Type Description
hash string unique string
options object graphicical options


import {SVG} from "Liedenticon";
const svg = document.createElement("SVG");
svg.outerHTML = new SVG("efb8c90a13f7a1fdc4910");

PNG ⇐ liedenticons/graphic

Kind: global class
Extends: liedenticons/graphic

new PNG(hash, options)

A hash represented as an PNG

Param Type Description
hash string unique string
options object graphicical options


import {PNG} from "Liedenticon";
const img = document.createElement("IMG");
img.src = new PNG("efb8c90a13f7a1fdc4910");



Language:JavaScript 97.3%Language:Shell 2.7%