johngrib / vimscript-cheatsheet

vimscript cheatsheet

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vimscript cheatsheet

:help script - If you want to know more about vimscript

Hello, World!

echo 'Hello, World!'
  • echomsg is same with echo. but echomsg saves message history.
  • You can see the message history with :message.
echomsg 'Hello, Vimscript!'

variables: Number, Float, String

" Number is integer
let number = 42     " Defines Number
let number += 1     " 43

echomsg number      " print 43

unlet number        " Undefines number

echo number         " error
let pi = 3.141592

" parseInt
let pi_int = float2nr(pi)   " 3

" toString
let pi_str = string(pi)     " '3.141592'
let name = 'John'               " 'John'
let size = strchars(name)       " 4

" concat string
let full_name = name . ' Grib'  " 'John Grib'

" substring
echo strcharpart(full_name, 5, 1)   " 'G'


  • g: - Global.

  • l: - Local to a function.

  • s: - Local to a script file.

  • a: - Function argument (only inside a function).

  • v: - Global, predefined by Vim.

  • b: - Local to the current buffer.

  • w: - Local to the current window.

  • t: - Local to the current tab page.

let g:number = 42       " global
let s:number = 67       " script scope

function s:foo(number)  " function : script scope

    echo g:number . ' is global.'
    echo a:number . ' is argument.'

    let l:number = 23

    echo l:number . ' is local.'


call s:foo(s:number)
    " 42 is global.
    " 67 is argument.
    " 23 is local.


  • List basic
let list = []
let list = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']

echo list[0]             " 'one'
echo list[-1]            " 'four'
echo list[9]             " error

echo get(list, 0)        " 'one'
echo get(list, -1)       " 'four'
echo get(list, 9, 'ten') " 'ten'

let size = len(s:list)   " size is 4

echo list[:1]       " ['one', 'two']
echo list[:2]       " ['one', 'two', 'three']

echo list[1:]       " ['two', 'three', 'four']
echo list[2:]       " ['three', 'four']

echo list[0:1]      " ['one', 'two']
echo list[1:2]      " ['two', 'three']
echo list[1:-1]     " ['two', 'three', 'four']
echo list[1:-2]     " ['two', 'three']

let list += ['five', 'six']                 " ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']
let long_list = list + ['seven', 'eight']

call add(long_list, 'nine')

let copied_list = copy(list)
let recursively_copied_list = deepcopy(list)

let list[3:4] = [4, 5]      " ['one', 'two', 'three', 4, 5, 'six']
  • List unpack
let list = [1, 2, 3]

let [var1, var2, var3] = list

echo var1   " 1
echo var2   " 2
echo var3   " 3
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

let [var1, var2; var3] = list   " use semicolon

echo var1   " 1
echo var2   " 2
echo var3   " [3, 4]
  • List functions
" length
echo len([1, 2, 3])     " 3

" check empty
echo empty([1, 2, 3])   " 0
echo empty([])          " 1

" remove
let list = [1, 2, 3]
call remove(list, 1)                " [1, 3]
let removed_item = remove(list, 0)  " removed_item is 1, list is [3]

" filter
let list = [1, 2, 3]
call filter(list, {idx, val -> val > 1})    " use lambda
echo list   " [2, 3]

" map
let list = [1, 2, 3]
call map(list, {idx, val -> val * 10})
echo list   " [10, 20, 30]

" sort, reverse, uniq, max, min
call sort(list)
call reverse(list)
call uniq(list)
let max = max(list)
let min = min(list)

" count, index
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
echo count(list, 5)             " 2
echo index(list, 2)             " 1

" split, join
let list = split('1 2 3', '\s') " ['1', '2', '3']
let str = join(list, '-')       " '1-2-3'


  • add new entry
let obj = { 'name': 'John', 'number': 24 }
let obj['like'] = ['vim', 'game', 'orange']
let obj['address'] = 'Seoul, Korea'
let obj.test = 1
  • delete entry
let obj = { 'name': 'John', 'number': 24, 'test': 1 }
let removed = remove(obj, 'name')

echo removed    " 'John'

unlet obj.number
unlet obj['test']
  • to List
for key in keys(mydict)
   echo key . ': ' . mydict[key]

for key in sort(keys(mydict))
   echo key . ': ' . mydict[key]

for v in values(mydict)
   echo "value: " . v

for [key, value] in items(mydict)
   echo key . ': ' . value
  • dictionary functions
echo has_key(dict, 'foo')
echo empty(dict)

flow control

  • if
if 1
    echo 'true'

if 0
    echo 'impossibe'

let name = 'foo'

if name == 'test'
    echo 'test name'
elseif name == 'foo'    " else if (x), elseif (o)
    echo name
  • for
for item in [1, 2, 3]
    echo item

for item in [1, 2, 3]
    if item < 2
  • while
let sum = 0
while sum < 100
    let sum += 1
    call do_something()


  • The name must be made of alphanumeric characters and _
  • The name must start with a capital or s:
    • :b or :g is not allowed.
function Foo(value)     " global function
    echo a:value

function s:foo(value)   " script private function
    echo a:value
  • function! : override a function with the same name.
function Foo(value)
    echo a:value

function! Foo(value)
    echo a:value * 10

call Foo(7)     " 70
  • Dictionary function (method) with dict keyword
let obj = { 'msg': 'hello' }

function obj.getMsg() dict
    return self.msg

let msg = obj.getMsg()
echo msg    " 'hello'
function GetMsg() dict
    return self.msg

let obj1 = { 'msg': 'hello', 'getMsg': funcref('GetMsg') }
let obj2 = { 'msg': 'hi', 'getMsg': function('GetMsg') }

echo obj1.getMsg()  " 'hello'
echo obj2.getMsg()  " 'hi'
  • apply with function()
function Add(num1, num2)
    return a:num1 + num2

let Add3 = function('Add', [3])
echo Add3(7)    " 10
echo Add3(2)    " 5
  • arguments

:help function-argument

function Test(...)
    echo 'number of args : ' . a:0
    echo 'first arg : ' . a:1
    echo 'second arg : ' . a:2

    echo ''

    for s in a:000
        echon ' ' . s

call Test('dog', 'cat')
" number of args : 2
" first arg : dog
" second arg : cat
" dog cat
  • public static function
    • naming rule : {directory_name}#{file_name}#{function_name}
- .vim
    ┕ plugin
        ┕ test-vim-plugin           # project root
            ┕ syntax
            ┕ plugin
            ┕ autoload
                ┕ TestVimPlugin
                    ┕ screen.vim    # sample file
# ~/.vim/plugin/test-vim-plugin/autoload/TestVimPlugin/screen.vim

function! TestVimPlugin#screen#getScreenNumber()
    return 1


vimscript cheatsheet

License:MIT License