johncfranco / reactive-logger

A Java library adapting slf4j for reactive applications

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reactive-logger is a Java library adapting the slf4j logging library for reactive applications. It treats the various message-writing methods in the slf4j Logger interface as blocking I/O by wrapping each with a Mono<Context> that invokes the method on a scheduler appropriate for blocking I/O. The library has three main goals:

  • Provide reactive code with a familiar and natural logging interface analogous to the slf4j Logger interface in imperative code.
  • Facilitate a novel approach to the three-way trade-off between reliability, performance, and resource consumption that application logs commonly face.
  • Obey the rule restricting blocking I/O to bounded elastic schedulers without requiring a specific logging configuration to do so.

Maven Dependency


Examples of Use

The GitHub repository has an examples directory that contains two implementations of the same simple REST server: one implementation shows the logger in use with Spring Boot, and the other shows the logger's independence of Spring by implementing the server directly on reactor-netty. The README file in the examples directory has more information about these examples.

Creating an Instance

Create an instance of the ReactiveLogger class by creating an slf4j Logger instance however you usually would for imperative code, and then passing that to ReactiveLogger.Builder and calling, as below:

private static final ReactiveLogger log = ReactiveLogger.builder()

By default, a ReactiveLogger instance uses the scheduler returned by Schedulers.boundedElastic() for invoking the wrapped slf4j Logger instance, to satisfy the rule restricting blocking I/O to bounded elastic schedulers regardless of the logging configuration. You can choose a different scheduler through the builder's withScheduler method.

Writing Log Messages In-Flow

Because the message-writing methods return a Mono<Context>, you can use them either to start a reactive chain or within operators such as flatMap, and follow them with operators such as zipWith to log in parallel with other work.

Here's an example of an in-flow log message:

final Duration delay;
try {
    delay = Duration.parse(delayText);
} catch (final DateTimeException e) {
    final String errorMessage = String.format("delay '%s' invalid: %s", delayText, e.getMessage());
            .zipWith(createResponse(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, errorMessage))

Writing Log Messages in Signal Handlers

Logging within a handler such as doOnComplete or doOnCancel is not as self-contained as writing messages in-flow. Application code has to provide the subscriber's context for MDC and ensure that the signal handlers run on an appropriate scheduler. The reactive-logger library provides a few facilities to assist with this case.

doOnComplete Example

To obtain the subscriber's context for a signal handler such as doOnComplete, wrap the chain with the deferContextual method of Mono or Flux, and in the signal handler, use MDCSnapshot to propagate the logging context from the subscriber's context to the slf4j MDC.

To ensure that the handler runs on the appropriate scheduler, precede the doOnComplete call with publishOn and pass the logger's scheduler.

Here's the form:

Flux.deferWithContext(context -> Flux.someOtherCreationMethod()
    //...some chain of operators...
    .doOnComplete(() -> {
        try (final MDCSnapshot snapshot = log.takeMDCSnapshot(context)) {
            log.imperative().someLoggingStatement("Flux has completed.");

doOnCancel Example

The doOnCancel case follows the doOnComplete example except that it replaces the publishOn call with a cancelOn call:

Flux.deferWithContext(context -> Flux.someOtherCreationMethod()
    //...some chain of operators...
    .doOnCancel(() -> {
        try (final MDCSnapshot snapshot = log.takeMDCSnapshot(context)) {
            log.imperative().someLoggingStatement("Flux was cancelled.");

MDC Support

The ReactiveLogger class follows a convention for application subscribers to pass a map of key-value pairs through the reactive chain for inclusion in the slf4j mapped diagnostic context (MDC) when invoking the wrapped slf4j Logger instance. The vehicle for propagating the key-value pairs is the Context class from the reactor-core library, and that's why the message-writing methods return a Mono<Context> rather than a Mono<Void>.

Both the Spring Boot and reactor-netty examples show how to use this support.


The library depends on only slf4j-api and reactor-core.

Background: Application Logging Performance, Reliability, and Resource Consumption

Application logs differ from most other uses of I/O in that organizations often have been willing to trade away some reliability for the sakes of performance and resource consumption. A prominent historical example is the use of UDP as the transport for syslog on Unix.

A contemporary example is logback's AsyncAppender class, about which the documentation says the following:

LOSSY BY DEFAULT IF 80% FULL AsyncAppender buffers events in a BlockingQueue. A worker thread created by AsyncAppender takes events from the head of the queue, and dispatches them to the single appender attached to AsyncAppender. Note that by default, AsyncAppender will drop events of level TRACE, DEBUG and INFO if its queue is 80% full. This strategy has an amazingly favorable effect on performance at the cost of event loss.

Depending on an organization's operational needs and how it satisfies them, such a trade can be appropriate.

On the other hand, minimizing log message loss has benefits, especially in the context of a service-oriented architecture spread across many hosts in a data center, with a log aggregator such as ELK or Splunk that supports sophisticated queries. Highly-reliable logs that capture relevant details of application activity, together with powerful and scalable query capabilities, offer a wealth of possibilities for metrics, anomaly detection, behavioral analysis and optimization, post-hoc failure investigations, and customer support.

Through the ability to schedule multiple publishers to run in parallel while retaining them in the backpressure of a reactive chain, the reactive programming model provides a path to raising application log reliability while mitigating the performance penalty of doing so.

For example, a log statement recording the parameters of an operation can execute in parallel with the operation, such as by the Mono and or zipWith operators, so that the total elapsed time is the longer of the two, rather than the sum of the two.

The inclusion of the log statements in backpressure prevents the application from outrunning the capacity of log I/O, and so avoids the need for a queue such as that used by logback's AsyncAppender. This is consistent with the premise of an organization that wants reliable application logs: if log I/O becomes the bottleneck, such an organization might choose to expand log I/O capacity rather than drop messages.

More finely-grained trade-offs seem possible -- for example, applying different backpressure policies according to log level, as logback's AsyncAppender does in a rudimentary way -- but I think the best way to do that would be to make fully-reactive equivalents of logback and slf4j, rather than in this library.

Recommendations for logback Configuration

By default, the reactor-core and reactor-netty libraries use slf4j for their internal logging if slf4j is on the classpath. There is no guarantee that their internal logging can tolerate blocking I/O, and the documentation has the following warning:

In all cases, when logging in production you should take care to configure the underlying logging framework to use its most asynchronous and non-blocking approach — for instance, an AsyncAppender in Logback or AsyncLogger in Log4j 2.

There are a couple of ways to accommodate this warning without sacrificing reliability for your application's logs:

  • Disable all reactor-core and reactor-netty logging entirely.
  • Configure an AsyncAppender for use only by reactor-core and reactor-netty, and point it at whatever blocking appender the rest of the application is using. Both of these approaches rely only on the logback XML configuration file.

Disabling All reactor-core and reactor-netty Logging

The simplest and safest approach is simply to disable reactor-core and reactor-netty logging entirely. Here's an example of how to do that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <appender name="APPLICATION" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <!-- application appender details not pertinent to this example -->

    <logger name="reactor" level="OFF"/>
    <logger name="io.netty" level="OFF"/>

    <root level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="APPLICATION" />

If that's too drastic and you want to see at least some logging from reactor-core and reactor-netty, consider the next approach.

Dedicated AsyncAppender for reactor-core and reactor-netty

You can see at least some logging from reactor-core and reactor-netty without blocking them, and without sacrificing the reliability of your application's logs, by giving reactor-core and reactor-netty a dedicated AsyncAppender pointed at your application's main appender. Here's an example of how to do that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <appender name="APPLICATION" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <!-- application appender details not pertinent to this example -->

    <appender name="REACTOR-ASYNC" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
        <queueSize>10</queueSize> <!-- keep memory consumption low -->
        <neverBlock>true</neverBlock> <!-- drop messages rather than block on the queue -->
        <appender-ref ref="APPLICATION"/>

    <!-- set additivity to false on the reactor loggers to exclude the root's appender -->
    <!-- (otherwise each message they generate would go to both appenders) -->
    <logger name="reactor" additivity="false" level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="REACTOR-ASYNC"/>
    <logger name="io.netty" additivity="false" level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="REACTOR-ASYNC"/>

    <root level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="APPLICATION"/>

The examples use this approach, and the Spring Boot example routes all Spring log messages through the AsyncAppender as well.


A Java library adapting slf4j for reactive applications

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%