johnayinde / backend-assessment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table of contents



To install this project and run it locally, please clone the project first, navigate to the root directory and run npm i to install the required packaged, and then follow the following instructions:

1) Configuration

Create a .env file in the root diectory, add the following keys, and provide values of your choice to the keys without values:


These keys will be used throughout the project for the database connection.MYSQL_HOST value would be equal to localhost, and MYSQL_DATABASE is the name of the database that the project will use. The key API_PORT is the port on which the API will run.

2) Database

The database has one table called media and has the following structure:

Column Name Data Type
id INT
name VARCHAR(255)
type VARCHAR(255)
description VARCHAR(255)
url VARCHAR(255)
status VARCHAR(255)
createdAt DATETIME
updatedAt DATETIME

3) Nest.js API

To start the application with the server listening for HTTP requests on the specified port in the main.ts file, which in this application is port 3000, run the following command in the terminal:

 $ npm run start

Or to automatically watch for changes:

 $ npm run start:dev

The application now should be running on the port specified in the .env file with the key API_PORT.

4) OpenAPI Specification

This project is configured with Swagger for OpenAPI Specification. To check the Swagger UI of this application, go to:




Language:TypeScript 94.4%Language:JavaScript 5.6%