johnathan-codes / react-ts-inject-boilerplate

Boilerplate for creating injectable js files in React with typescript

Repository from Github https://github.comjohnathan-codes/react-ts-inject-boilerplateRepository from Github https://github.comjohnathan-codes/react-ts-inject-boilerplate

React injectable ts boilerplate

Purpose of this repo is to have a boilerplate for creating React app in typescript, which can be injected into any html via <script> tag and modifying element id in index.tsx.


Imagine website, not able to be fully made in React or you have an existing site, cms, etc. where you just need to add a simple reactive form.

Create multiple microfrontends on static website, which can't be one SPA.


  • Create react apps as you are used to (in typescript, tho)
  • After building just inject the script into the html - Example html is public/index.html
  • Build:
    • yarn webpack-prod for minified production build
    • yarn webpack-dev for development build
    • yarn webpack-errors display details about errors

How to

Setup is really simple.

Just download the repo and place it somewhere you need.

Then you just run yarn or npm install.

Then you can install all the packages you want and do whatever you want with the app.

After you are done modyfying you just run yarn webpack-dev or yarn webpack-prod.

This will create a js file in your specified folder.

Location and file name can be specified in the ouput section of webpack.config.ts.

Then in your .cshtml/.html/... file you create a <script> tag with src location of your bundled js file.


new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({
	analyzerMode: 'disabled',
	generateStatsFile: true,
	statsOptions: { source: false },
  • This will generate stats.json report file
  • To check the rport run yarn webpack-report


Boilerplate for creating injectable js files in React with typescript


Language:TypeScript 66.0%Language:HTML 34.0%