john-doherty / offline-fetch

1.2k script that adds offline support to fetch by storing responses in localStorage - ideal for PWAs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Isomorphic (browser and node) JavaScript library that adds offline support to fetch by caching requests in:

Offline is detected when a request times out or navigator.onLine === false. offlineFetch is a wrapper around fetch so it can be used as a drop in replacement. Requests are only cached if an offline option is provided.

Few things to note:

  • You have to issue a request with offline option present to utalise cached copy
  • HTTP header x-offline-cache will exist request handled by offline-fetch
  • x-offline-cache = MISS will exist if cache not used
  • x-offline-cache = HIT if serverd from offline cache



Copy offline-fetch.min.js into your page and add a script tag:

<script src="path-to/offline-fetch.min.js"></script>


Install via npm:

npm install offline-fetch

Require in your module:

// make `fetch` avaliable globally

var offlineFetch = require('offline-fetch');

// require node replacement for localStorage
var { LocalStorage } = require('node-localstorage');

// add instance to global namespace
global.localStorage = new LocalStorage('./local-storage');


Replace fetch with offlineFetch and pass in additional parameter:

var options = {

    // typical fetch property
    method: 'GET',

    // new offline property with optional config
    offline: {
        storage: 'localStorage',    // use localStorage (defaults to sessionStorage)
        timeout: 750,               // request timeout in milliseconds, defaults 730ms
        expires: 1000,              // expires in milliseconds, defaults 1000ms (set to -1 to check for updates with every request)
        debug: true,                // console log request info to help with debugging
        renew: false,               // if true, request is fetched regardless of expire state. Response is and added to cache

        // timeouts are not retried as they risk cause the browser to hang
        retries: 3,                 // number of times to retry the request before considering it failed, default 3 (timeouts are not retried)
        retryDelay: 1000,           // number of milliseconds to wait between each retry

        // used to generate per request cache keys (defaults to URL + METHOD hash if not provided)
        cacheKeyGenerator: function(url, opts, hash) {
            return 'myapp:' + url;

offlineFetch('', options).then(function(data){
    // data contains response...

Supports any global localStorage-like API, including promised based getItem, setItem.

Unit Tests

  1. Checkout using git clone
  2. Navigate into project folder cd fetch-reply-with
  3. Install dependencies npm install
  4. Run the tests npm test


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


For change-log, check releases.


Licensed under MIT License © John Doherty


1.2k script that adds offline support to fetch by storing responses in localStorage - ideal for PWAs

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%