johansundell / karbonfm

Main Repo For Karbon

Repository from Github https://github.comjohansundell/karbonfmRepository from Github https://github.comjohansundell/karbonfm



This is the main repo for Karbon for FileMaker—a developer framework for building scalable applications in FileMaker. The application is essential a contact management system or CRM, however the true value in #karbonfm is its approach to data modeling, transactional scripting, and a rich library of custom functions that make error handling and validation a breeze. You should read the Karbon Manifesto to better understand what this project hopes to become, and jump into the conversation at

Getting Started

Check the releases link (above) for the most recent version. You can grab the compressed archive of the entire build or download inidividual files from the KarbonFM folder.

The following full-access account will get you in to every file:

  • Account name: admin
  • Password: karbon


Welcome to Karbon. Join us on a brief introduction to the core elements of Karbon.


We welcome contributions from the community. That's what this is all about.

FileMaker files don't lend themselves well to Github since we can't do merges and pull requests. But we can still use Github for issues, comments, and planning.

If you find a bug, please include a copy of the file with a test that shows the bug in action if you can. Its the best way to get your issues addressed. Bugs that are clearly demonstrated are easily fixed.

If you have a bug fix, please include a copy of the file with the bug fixed; include instructions on where it is.

If you have ideas, please flesh them out in a copy of the file and include it on the issue. Nothing gets an idea across like semi-functional code.


Main Repo For Karbon

License:MIT License