johanneslamers / rest-easy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


REST Easy is a plugin for Craft ( that allows for integration with Craft via a simple API.


  1. Install and enable the plugin
  2. Add the following routes to craft/config/routes.php.
return array(
    'api/(?P<elementType>.*)/(?P<id>\d)'      => array('action' => 'restEasy/api/request'),
    'api/(?P<elementType>.*)'                 => array('action' => 'restEasy/api/request'),

Optional - Install the JSON Formatter extension for Google Chrome. This nifty extension formats json output in a collapsable tree.


The general structure of the API endpoint is http://{name-of-your-site}.com/api/{elementType}/{id}. The elementType is required and the id is optional. If only the elementType is supplied, then you get a listing of that element type, with a default limit of 100 elements (the Craft default). Native element types include Entry, User, Asset, and Category among others. You can also use the lowercase versions of these element types in the uri.

The data that is returned in the response is the model of the element type.


If you want to filter the results by specific criteria, append the criteria parameters that you want to filter by in the querystring. For example, if you have a section on the site called news, you can get only the news entries by targeting http://{name-of-your-site}.com/api/entry?section=news. Currently, all string based parameters that can be passed to an ElementCriteriaModel are supported.


Embeds are a way to retrieve additional data that describes an element. For example, to retrieve a custom field of summary of a news entries, target http://{name-of-your-site}.com/api/entry?section=news&embed=summary.


Simple Example

Below is a simple example with the endpoint,url,plainText,richText. This endpoint limits the 'entry' element type to the bands section, and allows for only one entry per page. Pagination is returned appropriately. In addtion to the entry model, some additional fields are returned, including the title, url and two custom fields, one of which is a plain text field and the other is a rich text field.

Simple Example

Complex Example

Below is a complex example with the endpoint,url,assets.url,categories.assets.users.tags. There are a few things to note in this example. First, the entry was limited to specific entry by passing the entry's id after the element type ( Next, several addtional fields were embedded. In particular, the assets.url and categories.assets.users.tags embeds are fields that relate element types. Notice that the model for each of these related and nested ralationships are pulled in.

Complex Example


  • Add config file for setting authentication keys and default embeds
  • Post
  • Patch
  • Put
  • Delete
