johanbook / erebus

My humble home server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is no longer maintained as Docker Swarm has been deprecated

Erebus was my humble home cluster. It was intended as a opinionated framework for running Docker containers using Docker Swarm. Target systems were small to medium-sized setups where a full-blown Kubernetes cluster did not make sense.


The project utilizes the following technologies:

  • Docker for container virtualization
  • Docker Swarm as orchestration framework
  • NFS for shared storage volumes
  • Traefik as API gateway
  • Prometheus and Node-exporter for monitoring node hardware metrics
  • Loki for container log collection and aggregation
  • Grafana for viewing logs and metrics. Default dashboards include hardware metrics monitoring and request statistics for Traefik
  • Nodejs to validate secrets

The cluster also uses Docker networks to segment service communication such that only containers are divided into groups and inter-group communication is limited.


Erebus is designed to run on multiple nodes using Docker Swarm. Before starting installation and deployment, it is assumed that each node fulfills the following:

  • Running a Linux OS
  • Has Docker installed
  • There are firewall openings as specified in scripts/setup-firewall for inter-node communication
  • Nodes are already connected in a Docker Swarm cluster

Installing Loki plugin

The Loki Docker plugin should be installed on each node. For Raspberry ARM CPUs, this requires the plugin to be compiled manually. This can be done on any machine via running

git clone
cd loki/clients
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build ./cmd/docker-driver

Copy the binary to the node and run

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

which will fail. Move the binary to /var/lib/docker/plugins/<ID>/rootfs/bin/. Afterwards enable it via

docker plugin enable loki

Setup NFS share

The cluster uses a NFS share for sharing data. On the leader node, run


On each client, run


Create the required folders using

DATA_STORAGE_PATH=/srv/nfs/ ./scripts/create-config-folders

Creating variables

Create a variables file using touch variables.json and populate with the necessary data. See variables.schema.json for which properties can be specified and which are required.

Launching the cluster

Start the Loki instance on a node using scripts/start-loki. Once Loki is running, run or to launch the cluster (or use the scripts/deploy script directly).

Backing up and restoring db

Database can be backed up using

docker exec -it <container_name>  pg_dumpall --username <username > postgres.dump


cat postgres.dump | docker exec -i <container_name> psql -U <username> postgres

If someone decides on using this as a template, I would advice on automating a database backup against an offsite object storage.


My humble home server


Language:Shell 76.4%Language:JavaScript 23.6%