joeylitalien / 2d-fluids

2D Fluid Simulation with Different Numerical Solvers for the Poisson Problem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Poisson Solvers for 2D Fluid Simulation in a Box

This repository serves for the final project of Paul Kry's Physically Based Animation course at McGill University, Winter 2017.

Numerical Solvers

  • Gauss-Seidel relaxation
  • Successive over-relaxation
  • Conjugate gradient
  • Preconditioned conjugate gradient with incomplete Cholesky factorization



To compare algorithms, first run Gauss-Seidel with a very high number of iterations to establish ground truth for 60 seconds. Then, run the same scene with any solver for the same amount of time. The mean square error is output in the console.


Control Action
Mouse left-click Add source
Mouse right-lick Delete source
Arrow up/down Increase/decrease source temperature
Space Play/pause
Enter Record
S Increase time
R Reset scene
N Delete all sources
C Add filament
1-2-3-4 Build appropriate test cases


2D Fluid Simulation with Different Numerical Solvers for the Poisson Problem


Language:Java 100.0%