joey3001 / LastCall

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Last Call

_Last Call

By Joseph Nero, Eric Endsley, Agata Kolodziej, Constantine Yakubovski, Nataliya Zhuravleva


The Last Call website helps people to know more about beer and finds breweries nearby.
The website contains the following pages:

  1. Age verification - It checks the user age. User must be 21 years or older.
  2. Beer 101 - This is informational page about beer history, how beer is made, ingredients, key beer terms, types of beer.
  3. Brewery Finder - This page queries three API's (google maps, mapquest, Beermapping) to provide a sorted list of breweries within a specified search radius from the user's address. Links to google maps directions are also automatically generated on this page. 4
    • To use this feature, navigate to the breweryfinder.html page by clicking "Find Beer" in the upper left hand corner of the webpage.
    • Enter your desired search radius and your address and click submit.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. A web browser to view the website. I recommend Google Chrome.
  2. Git Bash (or another terminal program) & Git.
    • To clone the repository from Github using git commands in the terminal, you need a terminal program & Git. For Windows OS, I recommend the Git Bash terminal program. Installing Git Bash will also install Git.
  3. VSCode (or another code editor)
    • To view/edit this code, you need a code editor. I recommend VSCode.
  4. Node.js
    • Node.js is a javascript runtime environment that you need to use npm, the preferred package manager for this application. You can download it at this link
  5. Detailed instructions to install Git Bash & VSCode can be found in the Setup/Installation Requirements section of the README for this repo.

View Online

Visit Last Call webpage at to view application on GitHub pages._

Open the page locally

  1. Navigate to the Last Call repo at to view the project files and commits.

  2. Click on the green button labeled "Code" to copy repository URL.

  3. Clone the repository to your local machine by opening your machine terminal and using the command "git clone".

  4. Create API Keys (see instruction below)

  5. _Place your tokens in an .env file at the top level of your directory. Name your API key variables API_KEY and API_KEY2 in .env. Assign your "Beer Mapping" API Key to the variable named "API_KEY" and assign your "Mapquest" API key to the variable named API_KEY2. Keep spelling and capitalization identical as shown below:

         e.g. API_KEY=your Beer Mapping API Key
         e.g. API_KEY2=your Mapquest API Key
  6. Include .env in .gitignore file.

Creating API Key

To use this application, you will need to make two accounts and get an API keys. The "Free Plan" for the mapquest API allows for 1500 API calls per month. The Beer Mapping API is does not limit the number of API calls you can make with their "Free Plan."

  1. _Visit the Beer Mapping API Site. Click on the "Sign Up" Button and create an account.

  2. At this point, you'll be able to access a dashboard that includes your API key.

  3. Set your beer mapping API key to a variable name "API_KEY" in your .env file as shown below:

  4. Visit the Mapquest API Site. Click on the "Get your Free API Key" Button and create an account.

  5. At this point, you'll be able to access a dashboard that includes your API key as well as your remaining API calls for the month.

  6. Set your mapquest API key to a variable name "API_KEY2" in your .env file as shown below:


Installing neccesary packages & opening the project locally

  1. Make sure you've downloaded Node.js. If you haven't, you can download it at this link

  2. Make sure you've downloaded Node.js. If you haven't, you can download it at this link

  3. Use the cd command to enter the cloned directory. Once you are within the cloned directory, enter the following command into your terminal to install the project's required packages :

         npm install
  4. Enter the following command into your terminal to build the project using the npm package manager :

         npm run build
  5. Enter the following command to start a dev server which will run the project :

         npm run start

Known Bugs

Location page doesn't show information about breweries in WA, FL, due to broken API Endpoints This bag was made known to the API developers

Support and contact details

If you have any questions, ideas or concerns, please, contact us by email: Joseph Nero at
Eric Endsley at
Agata Kolodziej at
Constantine Yakubovski at
Nataliya Zhuravleva at

Technologies Used

  • VisualStudio Code
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • HTML/CSS/Bootstrap
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • _Mapquest API
  • Webpack
  • Node
  • Npm
  • ESLint
  • Jest


This software is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Joseph Nero, Eric Endsley, Agata Kolodziej, Constantine Yakubovski, Nataliya Zhuravleva



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