joelgarciajr84 / codding-challange-latitud

An insightful overview of my quirky journey converting numbers into Brazilian Portuguese text.

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Challenge: Numbers to Brazilian Portuguese

Statements Branches Functions Lines

My Journey Converting Numbers into Brazilian Portuguese Text

Humor Level ๐Ÿงš Hey! Listen to "Lose Yourself"!

A laid-back look at my adventure converting numbers into Brazilian Portuguese text.

Faced with the challenge, I noticed the scope was quite specific. Instead of diving straight into a single solution, I decided to mix things up with a few different approaches. It wasn't just about slapping down code, but exploring various ways to tackle the issue. I hope this gives a glimpse into my adaptability, something I think is cool for a Software Engineer, especially when we bump into challenges of all shapes and sizes.

"If you had one shot, one opportunity"

To showcase your skills during an interview, would you capture the moment, or just let it slip?

๐ŸŽฏ Original Challenge

So, why not:

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Humor Level ๐Ÿงš Hey! Listen to "Numb"!

๐Ÿ† Latitud Achievements

List of achievements that Latitud gains by hiring me:

Millennial Rock MTV Creativity ๐ŸŽจ Problem Solving ๐Ÿง  Adaptability ๐ŸŒ€

Table of Contents

๐Ÿš€ Repository Initialization

Humor Level: Corporate ๐Ÿงš Hey! Listen to "For the Love of Money"!

npm install
npm run install

๐Ÿงช Run tests

npm test
npm run test

๐Ÿ’ก Numbers to PTBR Conversion - Step 1 - Jared (Interviewer) and Vinna (Procedural Edition)

๐Ÿ“Š Problem Analysis

When tasked with the challenge of converting numbers to words, it became clear that a systematic breakdown was required. My initial notes indicated a strict input range: 0 to 999. The translation approach varied based on the digit count.

๐Ÿ“‹ Initial Breakdown

  • Validation:
    • First step: Ensure input is between 0 and 999. Crucial for keeping everything within the problem's scope.
  • Digit Identification:
    • 1 Digit (0-9): Straightforward. I fetched its word representation directly.
    • 2 Digits (10-99): Numbers 10-19 needed special attention due to unique wordings. Beyond that, it was about identifying tens and ones.
    • 3 Digits (100-999): Split the number at the hundreds' place. The remaining two digits were further broken down.
  • Dictionary Lookup:
    • Once digits were isolated, I referred to a predefined dictionary for the word representation.
  graph TD

  subgraph Main Flow
      Start --> Validation[Validation]
      Validation --> |Valid| OneDigit[1 Digit]
      Validation --> |Valid| TwoDigits[2 Digits]
      Validation --> |Valid| ThreeDigits[3 Digits]

      OneDigit --> |<= 20 or divisible by 10| LookupDictionary[Lookup Dictionary]
      TwoDigits --> |10-99| TensDigit[Get Tens Digit]
      TwoDigits --> |10-99| OnesDigit[Get Ones Digit]

      ThreeDigits --> |100-999| HundredsDigit[Get Hundreds Digit]
      ThreeDigits --> |100-999| RemainingDigits[Get Remaining Digits]

      LookupDictionary --> |Result| End((End))
      TensDigit --> |Result| OnesDigit
      HundredsDigit --> |Remaining <= 20 or divisible by 10| LookupDictionary
      HundredsDigit --> |Remaining > 20 and not divisible by 10| TensDigit
      RemainingDigits --> |<= 20 or divisible by 10| LookupDictionary
      RemainingDigits --> |> 20 and not divisible by 10| TensDigit

  subgraph Special Cases
      Validation --> |Invalid| Error((Invalid Input Error))
      OneDigit --> |> 20 and not divisible by 10| TensDigit
๐Ÿ”ฅ Survival Skills
  • Decomposition
  • Pattern Analysis
  • Validation
  • Digit Identification & Decomposition
  • Look-up
  • Conditional & Flow Control
  • Conditional Decision
  • Data Structures (Dictionaries/Maps)

๐ŸŽฉ Skills Showcase

Emoji Skill Technical Arena Proficiency Description Knowledge Tree
๐Ÿ’ก Domain Knowledge Problem Domain Expertise in number translation Localization, Internationalization, L10N
๐Ÿš€ TypeScript Programming Languages Advanced TypeScript development ES6+, Transpilers, Type Definitions
๐Ÿง  Programming Logic Algorithms & Logic Robust logical implementation Problem Solving, Patterns, Optimization
๐Ÿ“š Data Structures (Record) Data Structure Management Mastery over Record usage Hashmaps, Linked Lists, Queues, Trees
๐Ÿงต String Manipulation Text Processing Efficient string manipulation RegEx, Parsing, Tokenization
๐Ÿ“ Best Coding Practices Software Craftsmanship Consistent clean code producer DRY, SOLID, Code Review, Refactoring
๐Ÿงช Unit Testing Software Testing Comprehensive unit tests TDD, Mocking, Assertions, Coverage

๐ŸŒŸ Technical Achievements

  • Demonstrates a strong foundation in converting numbers to text.
  • The procedural approach effectively handles different scenarios.

๐Ÿ” Forward Focus

  • Explore alternative paradigms to simplify and enhance the code.
  • Eager to delve into newer paradigms to further refine and enhance the codebase.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Refactoring

The initial code worked on the following premise:

  • Check the range of the number.
  • Identify the number of digits.
  • Use conditional logic to map different number ranges to their corresponding text.

โ— Scope Change - Must correct the dictionary (to make my life easier)


โ— Limitations of the Original Approach

Emoji Limitation Description
๐Ÿšง Multiple Responsibilities The function handled multiple roles: input validation, dictionary lookup, and string formatting.
๐Ÿ’พ Memory Efficiency Created unnecessary temporary variables for extracting digits.
โ›“๏ธ Scalability Issues Extending the function would be challenging.
๐Ÿ” Redundant Code Multiple checks for similar number ranges.

๐Ÿง Refactoring Insights & Enhancements

Emoji Insight/Enhancement Description
๐Ÿข Class Introduction Introduced NumberToTextConverter class for streamlined code.
๐ŸŽฏ Single Responsibility Divided tasks for the Single Responsibility Principle.
๐Ÿ” Encapsulation Dictionary encapsulation promoted data integrity.
๐Ÿ’พ Memory Efficiency Direct computation of tens and ones places enhanced memory usage.
โœจ Usability Implemented a user-friendly interface.
๐Ÿ“š Adherence to SOLID Ensured each class and method had a singular task.
โœ… Input Validation Validated inputs to be within the 0-999 range.
๐Ÿ” Modularization Broke down the translation process based on digits.
๐Ÿงน Redundant Code Elimination Streamlined redundant checks.
๐Ÿ“– Dictionary-Based Approach Used a dictionary for direct lookups.
๐Ÿ‘“ Enhanced Readability Structured for greater clarity and potential enhancements.

๐Ÿงช Numbers to PTBR Conversion - OO & SOLID

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Code Improvements: I've enhanced the code by incorporating concepts from esteemed authors and foundational programming principles:

๐ŸŽฏ Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Inspired by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob ๐Ÿง”), I introduced the NumberToTextConverter class with the sole mission of converting numbers to text. As per SRP, every class should have only a single reason to undergo change.

๐Ÿ”’ Encapsulation: With teachings from experts like Bertrand Meyer ๐Ÿ“š, I've concealed the dictionary as a private field inside NumberToTextConverter. This principle prioritizes data protection and segregation.

๐Ÿš€ Memory Efficiency: In a bid to streamline memory use, I sidestepped superfluous array constructions and computed the tens and ones digits directly.

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ User-Friendly Design: I've geared towards a user-oriented approach by permitting users to instantiate NumberToTextConverter and invoke the convertToText method. Such a design, rooted in usability paradigms, boosts both code legibility and adaptability.

    participant User as User
    participant Converter as NumberToTextConverter
    participant Dict as Dictionary

    User->>Converter: convertToText(digit)
    Note right of Converter: Check if digit is valid (0 <= digit <= 999)
    Converter->>Converter: Is digit < 0 or digit > 999?
    alt digit < 0 or digit > 999
        Converter-->>User: Error: "Invalid input"
    else digit <= 20 or (digit <= 99 and digit % 10 == 0)
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary[digit]
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for digit
        Converter-->>User: Return word
    else digit <= 99
        Note right of Converter: Calculate tensDigit and onesDigit
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary[tensDigit]
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for tensDigit
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary[onesDigit]
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for onesDigit
        Converter-->>User: Return word for tensDigit + " e " + word for onesDigit
    else digit % 100 == 0
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary[digit]
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for digit
        Converter-->>User: Return word
        Note right of Converter: Calculate hundredsDigit and remainingDigits
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary[hundredsDigit]
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for hundredsDigit
        Converter->>Dict: Get dictionary for remainingDigits
        Dict-->>Converter: Return word for remainingDigits
        Converter-->>User: Return compound word

๐ŸŽฉ Skills Showcase

Emoji Skill Technical Arena Proficiency Description Knowledge Tree
๐Ÿ’ก Domain Knowledge Problem Domain Expertise in number translation Localization, Internationalization, L10N
๐Ÿš€ TypeScript Development Programming Languages Advanced TypeScript development ES6+, Transpilers, Type Definitions
๐Ÿง  Algorithm Design Algorithms & Logic Crafting efficient logic paths Flow Control, Branching, Loops, Recursion
๐Ÿ“š Records & Dictionaries Data Structure Management Deep understanding of key-value pairs Hashmaps, Dictionaries, KeyValue Arrays
๐Ÿงต Textual Representation Text Processing Efficiently converting numbers to text representations String Interpolation, Concatenation
๐Ÿ“ Modularization & Decomposition Software Craftsmanship Breaking problems into manageable modules Modularity, Encapsulation, Separation of Concerns
๐Ÿงช Error Handling Robustness & Error Management Ensuring software robustness against invalid inputs Exceptions, Validation, Boundary Tests
๐ŸŽจ Software Design Patterns Design Patterns Application of best-fit patterns Singleton, Factory, Observer, Strategy
๐Ÿ”„ Flow Control Logic Structuring Directing the logical flow of programs Conditionals, Sequences, Branch Decisions
๐Ÿ“ˆ Optimization Performance Improvement Enhancing code for better efficiency Memory Management, Loops, Direct Calculations
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Tooling & Transpilation Development Environments Advanced tool usage for TypeScript development Compilers, Bundlers, Webpack, Babel
๐Ÿ’ผ Domain-Driven Design Software Architecture Designing based on domain specifics Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates, Domain Events
๐ŸŽฏ Targeted Development Application Targeting Focusing on application specific needs Localization Targeting, Platform Specific Development

๐ŸŒŸ Technical Achievements

  • Domain Mastery: Deep understanding of the number-to-text translation problem domain, enabling the creation of efficient and accurate solutions.
  • Advanced TypeScript: Skillful use of TypeScript features, ensuring type safety, code readability, and maintainability.
  • Algorithm Design: Successfully transformed a simple logic problem into a robust and efficient algorithm, handling edge cases and optimizing performance.
  • Optimized Memory Usage: By avoiding unnecessary variables and direct calculations, achieved a leaner codebase with reduced memory footprint.
  • Software Design Patterns: Successfully applied suitable design patterns, ensuring modular, scalable, and maintainable code.
  • Error Handling: Developed a system resilient to invalid inputs, enhancing software robustness and user experience.

๐Ÿ” Forward Focus

  • Expand Number Range: Plans to expand the number range, allowing translations beyond 999, catering to more diverse use cases.
  • Multilingual Support: Aiming to add support for multiple languages, enhancing the utility of the converter globally.
  • Optimization: Constantly on the lookout for further optimization opportunities, ensuring the most efficient solution.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Considering options to integrate the converter into larger systems, like localization platforms or educational software.
  • Enhanced User Interface: While the current focus is on backend logic, there's an ambition to create an intuitive user interface, making it accessible to a wider audience.

๐ŸŒ Numbers to PTBR Conversion - Functional Programming

I decided to refactor this code to make it clearer, more modular, and aligned with the principles of functional programming. Here's the reasoning behind the changes and an explanation of the concepts involved:

๐Ÿ“– Mapping Dictionary: I started by defining a dictionary that maps numbers to their text representations. This is essential because it allows me to associate numeric values with corresponding words, simplifying the conversion.

๐Ÿ”„ Higher-Order Functions: I noticed that I could create reusable functions to check ranges, multiples, and other conditions. So, I created higher-order functions like isWithinRange, isMultipleOfTen, and isHundred. These functions take arguments and return other functions that perform the checks, making the code more modular and flexible.

โœจ Pure Functions and Immutability: Functional programming values pure functions that have no side effects and always produce the same result for the same inputs. This is crucial for code clarity and predictability. I also embraced data immutability, ensuring that data isn't modified after creation. This is evident in functions like convertUpTo99 and convertHundreds.

๐Ÿงฑ Function Composition: Function composition is a central concept of functional programming. I used it to build representations of larger numbers by combining representations of smaller ones. For example, the convertHundreds function combines representations of hundreds, tens, and units for larger numbers.

โš ๏ธ Exception Handling: I integrated exception handling to deal with invalid inputs. This is important to ensure that the code handles unexpected cases appropriately, increasing robustness.

๐Ÿ” Clarity and Abstraction: Lastly, by adopting functional programming concepts, I managed to make the code clearer and more abstract. This is evident in functions that succinctly describe the conversions of numbers to text in a readable manner.

    participant User as User
    participant convertToText as convertToText
    participant checkRange as isWithinRange
    participant convert99 as convertUpTo99
    participant convertHundreds as convertHundreds
    participant Dict as Dictionary

    User->>convertToText: convertToText(digit)
    Note right of convertToText: Validates the number's range
    convertToText->>checkRange: isWithinRange(0, 999)(digit)
    alt digit is not within 0-999
        convertToText-->>User: Error: "Invalid input"
    else digit is within 0-99
        convertToText->>convert99: convertUpTo99(digit)
        convert99->>Dict: Get words from dictionary
        Dict-->>convert99: Return words for the given number
        convert99-->>convertToText: Return number in text
        convertToText-->>User: Return text representation
    else digit is within 100-999
        convertToText->>convertHundreds: convertHundreds(digit)
        convertHundreds->>Dict: Get words for hundreds from dictionary
        Dict-->>convertHundreds: Return word for hundreds
        convertHundreds->>convert99: convertUpTo99(remainingDigits)
        convert99->>Dict: Get words from dictionary for remaining digits
        Dict-->>convert99: Return words for remaining digits
        convert99-->>convertHundreds: Return number in text for remaining digits
        convertHundreds-->>convertToText: Return complete text representation
        convertToText-->>User: Return text representation

๐ŸŽฉ Skills Showcase

Emoji Skill Technical Arena Proficiency Description Knowledge Tree
๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ Functional Paradigms Programming Methodology Expertise in pure functional programming patterns Higher-Order Functions, Pure Functions, Immutability
๐Ÿ” Range Validation Logic Structuring Crafting precise range check functions Boundaries, Conditional Checks, Logic Composition
๐Ÿ“– TypeScript Typing Programming Languages Leveraging TypeScript for type safety and clarity Type Annotations, Function Types, Type Inference
๐Ÿ“š Dictionary Lookups Data Structure Management Efficiently using dictionary structures for data retrieval Key-Value Lookup, Associative Arrays, Object Properties
๐Ÿ”„ Modular Logic Software Decomposition Breaking complex logic into reusable functions Function Decomposition, Separation of Concerns
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Exception Handling Robustness & Error Management Graceful handling of unexpected scenarios Error Throws, Conditional Checks, Boundary Tests
๐ŸŽฏ Precision & Detail Code Quality Crafting precise and detailed logic paths Conditional Branching, Logical Operators, Flow Control
๐Ÿง  Mathematical Computations Algorithms & Logic Implementing mathematical computations and checks Modulus Operation, Rounding, Number Manipulations

๐ŸŒŸ Technical Achievements

  • Functional Programming Mastery: Demonstrated the adept use of higher-order functions to encapsulate logic, as evidenced by the isWithinRange function which returns another function to check a number's validity.

  • Textual Conversion Proficiency: Successfully developed a mechanism to convert numeric inputs into their textual representations by interfacing with a dictionary module, highlighting the skills in textual representation and data structure management.

  • Error Management: Integrated robust error handling using exceptions to ensure the function convertToText responds appropriately to out-of-range inputs, ensuring software resilience.

  • Modular Design: Displayed proficiency in modularization and decomposition by creating distinct functions (convertUpTo99, convertHundreds, and range checkers) that break down the problem into smaller, more manageable pieces.

  • Algorithmic Efficiency: Crafted efficient logic paths to ascertain the correct textual representation of numbers, making optimal use of conditional checks and mathematical operations.

๐Ÿ” Forward Focus

  • Expand on Data Structures: While the current implementation utilizes a dictionary for translation, exploring other data structures like trees could further optimize lookup times for large datasets.

  • Enhance Functional Techniques: Delve deeper into functional programming paradigms, exploring concepts like currying, monads, and lenses to further refine and modularize the codebase.

  • Integration with UI/UX: Consider developing a user-friendly interface for this number-to-text conversion, catering to a wider audience and enhancing user experience.

  • Localization and Internationalization: The current dictionary can be expanded to support multiple languages, allowing for seamless translation across different linguistic domains.

๐ŸŒ๐Ÿญ Exploring: Combining Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Design through Practical Modeling

I've had the opportunity to observe and gain insights into bridging the gap between functional programming and object-oriented design. This understanding was not confined to a single recent project but has evolved over time through continuous exploration and hands-on experience.

As I delved into various functional programming concepts and object-oriented design principles, I realized the potential for these two paradigms to coexist harmoniously in software development. This practical knowledge allowed me to comprehend and effectively represent system structures across different paradigms.

Moreover, my proficiency in using diverse modeling tools to create a UML class diagram demonstrates my commitment to enhancing software architecture visualization. I firmly believe that these skills will play a vital role in facilitating effective communication and collaboration within any team, regardless of the project's nature or scope.


class Dictionary {
   -dictionary: Record<number, string>

class NumberConverter {
   +isWithinRange(min: number, max: number): (num: number) => boolean
   +isMultipleOfTen(num: number): boolean
   +isHundred(num: number): boolean
   +convertUpTo99(num: number): string
   +convertHundreds(digit: number): string
   +convertToText(digit: number): string

NumberConverter --> Dictionary : uses

๐ŸŽฉ Skills Showcase and Learning Achievements

Emoji Skill Proficiency Description Knowledge Acquired
๐Ÿš€ Functional Programming Expertise in pure functional programming patterns ๐Ÿชฉ Bridge between functional and object-oriented programming paradigms
๐Ÿงฎ Object-Oriented Design Proficiency in object-oriented design principles ๐Ÿช‚ Recognition of harmony between different paradigms in software development
๐Ÿค Paradigm Integration Blending functional and object-oriented programming ๐Ÿช Ability to unite contrasting paradigms to enhance software development
๐Ÿ“Š UML Modeling Creating UML class diagrams ๐ŸŒ Proficiency in using diverse modeling tools to improve software architecture visualization
๐ŸŽจ Software Architecture Visualization Enhancing architectural representation ๐ŸŒŸ Commitment to clear software architecture visualization, facilitating effective communication
๐ŸŽ“ Practical Knowledge Continuous improvement through ongoing exploration ๐ŸŒฑ Demonstration of continuous learning and practical experience in skill development

๐ŸŒŸ Bonus: Regex & Functional Programming

๐Ÿ“š My References

Author(s) RPG Class Emoji Level (1-100) Specialty Area
Robert C. Martin Code Knight ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ 95 Software Craftsmanship & Agile Methodologies
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides Pattern Mages ๐Ÿช„ 98 Object-Oriented Design & Design Patterns
Kyle Simpson Script Sorcerer ๐Ÿ“œ 90 JavaScript Depth & Nuances
Martin Fowler Refactor Alchemist โš—๏ธ 96 Code Refactoring & Enterprise Architecture


An insightful overview of my quirky journey converting numbers into Brazilian Portuguese text.


Language:HTML 68.1%Language:TypeScript 14.1%Language:JavaScript 11.1%Language:CSS 6.6%