joel-beck / asp21bridge

Package Infrastructure for Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Sampler | Summer Term 2021

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The goal of asp21bridge is to extend the lmls package by implementing a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampler with Ridge penalization.

Underlying Model

The observation model in consideration is given by

$$\begin{aligned} y_i \sim \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{x}_i^T \boldsymbol{\beta},\, \exp \left( \mathbf{ z}_i^T \boldsymbol{\gamma} \right)^2 \right) \qquad i = 1, \ldots n, \end{aligned}$$

where the location parameter β and the scale parameter γ are themselves normally distributed with prior mean 0 and hyperparameters τ2 and ξ2 for the prior variances.

The Data

In the following examples the built-in simulated toy_data is used, which consists of a column y representing a vector of observed values and the explanatory variables x1, x2, z1 and z2. The data is constructed according to the mathematical model in the previous section, where all explanatory variables predict the mean of y and only the latter two model the variance.

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##       y     x1    x2    z1    z2
##   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 10.9  -0.207 0.194  5.41  2.62
## 2  6.91  1.28  1.42   4.53  3.10
## 3  9.40  2.08  0.891  5.07  4.64
## 4 10.5  -1.35  0.985  4.50  2.12
## 5  5.83  1.43  1.84   4.17  3.12
## 6  8.66  1.51  2.56   5.17  4.36

Sampling Process

We first fit the frequentist lmls regression model and extend this approach by adding the MCMC samples of the posterior distributions. For later use, we also apply the MCMC sampler without Ridge - regularization from the lmls package:


fit <- toy_data %>%
  lmls(location = y ~ ., scale = ~ z1 + z2, light = FALSE) %>%
  mcmc(nsim = 1000) %>%
  mcmc_ridge(num_sim = 1000)

Numerical Analysis

The asp21bridge package contains various tools to analyze the sampling results both numerically and graphically.

A first quick overview can be gained by the generic summary() function with specification of the type argument:

summary(fit, type = "mcmc_ridge")
## Call:
## lmls(location = y ~ ., scale = ~z1 + z2, data = ., light = FALSE)
## Pearson residuals:
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## -3.29800 -0.38660  0.11770 -0.01354  0.57410  2.54600 
## Location coefficients (identity link function):
##             Mean      2.5%       50%  97.5%
## beta_0 -0.003064 -0.152295 -0.001275  0.132
## beta_1 -2.001501 -2.007618 -2.001631 -1.995
## beta_2 -1.004306 -1.017451 -1.004198 -0.991
## beta_3  1.001918  0.984266  1.001849  1.022
## beta_4  2.008085  2.002211  2.007997  2.014
## Scale coefficients (log link function):
##            Mean    2.5%     50%  97.5%
## gamma_0  0.9257 -0.1398  1.0384  1.982
## gamma_1 -1.1528 -1.3285 -1.1598 -0.956
## gamma_2  0.9403  0.7134  0.9438  1.185
## Residual degrees of freedom: 42 
## Log-likelihood: 32.28 
## AIC: -48.57 
## BIC: -33.27

A more comprehensive list of the estimated parameter values is provided by the summary_complete() function:

## # A tibble: 10 x 6
##    Parameter `5% Quantile` `Posterior Mean` `Posterior Median` `95% Quantile`
##    <chr>             <dbl>            <dbl>              <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1 beta_0           -0.123         -0.00306           -0.00127          0.107
##  2 beta_1           -2.01          -2.00              -2.00            -2.00 
##  3 beta_2           -1.01          -1.00              -1.00            -0.994
##  4 beta_3            0.987          1.00               1.00             1.02 
##  5 beta_4            2.00           2.01               2.01             2.01 
##  6 gamma_0          -0.106          0.926              1.04             1.84 
##  7 gamma_1          -1.31          -1.15              -1.16            -0.984
##  8 gamma_2           0.750          0.940              0.944            1.13 
##  9 tau^2             3.14           4.01               3.94             5.09 
## 10 xi^2             15.9           51.0               37.4            132.   
## # ... with 1 more variable: Standard Deviation <dbl>

Since the results are embedded in a data frame, the usual methods of data frame manipulation allow for a convenient analysis even for high dimensional parameter vectors. A particularly interesting use case is the comparison of the coefficient estimates from the following three approaches:

  • Point estimates based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation (mle column)

  • Posterior Mean estimates from MCMC sampling without regularization (mcmc column)

  • Posterior Mean estimates with Ridge penalty (mcmc_ridge column)

Both the mcmc() function as well as the mcmc_ridge() function simply add their results to the existing model. Therefore all relevant information is contained in the fit object from above:

summary_complete(fit) %>%
  dplyr::transmute(Parameter, mcmc_ridge = `Posterior Mean`) %>%
  dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Parameter, pattern = "beta|gamma")) %>%
    mcmc = summary_complete(fit$mcmc)$`Posterior Mean`,
    mle = c(coef(fit)$location, coef(fit)$scale),
    truth = c(0, -2, -1, 1, 2, 0, -1, 1)
## # A tibble: 8 x 5
##   Parameter mcmc_ridge     mcmc     mle truth
##   <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 beta_0      -0.00306 -0.00762 -0.0217     0
## 2 beta_1      -2.00    -2.00    -2.00      -2
## 3 beta_2      -1.00    -1.00    -1.00      -1
## 4 beta_3       1.00     1.00     1.00       1
## 5 beta_4       2.01     2.01     2.01       2
## 6 gamma_0      0.926    1.17     1.44       0
## 7 gamma_1     -1.15    -1.18    -1.31      -1
## 8 gamma_2      0.940    0.920    0.999      1

The estimates for β1 up to β4 are identical in the three models and almost coincide with the true data generating values. This behaviour is somewhat expected, since the β vector is drawn from a closed form multivariate normal distribution with independent samples across iterations of the MCMC sampler.

The results for the scale parameter γ show a greater variation between the models and are therefore more interesting to analyze. The Maximum Likelihood approach is able to recover the true / data generating value of γ2, while the MCMC sampler with Ridge penalty performs best for estimating γ1. All three models fail to identify the correct intercept parameter γ0, which, however, is often of minor interest.

Simulations across different data sets and sample sizes show similar patterns: If the data is generated according to the mathematical model introduced in the first section, i.e. the estimation model using Maximum Likelihood is correctly specified, the mle and the mcmc_ridge estimates tend to be closest to the true values. If, however, the underlying model used for simulation deviates from the Gaussian location-scale regression model, the mle results are, unsurprisingly, worse than both of the more flexible MCMC methods.

The Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples for γ based on the Metropolis - Hastings algorithm implemented in the mcmc_ridge() function are strongly correlated, even though the acceptance rate of the proposed values is reasonable:

## [1] 0.408

This value of roughly 41% indicates that the variance of the proposal distribution is chosen appropriately.

Graphical Analysis

The building blocks for monitoring the convergence of the posterior chains as well as the autocorrelations are the functions diagnostic_plots() for a single Markov Chain and mult_plot() for combining multiple chains.

A quick overview can be gained by collecting the corresponding trace plots for all posterior coefficients.

mult_plot(fit, type = "trace", free_scale = TRUE, latex = TRUE)

The trace plots for the β coefficients indicate convergence and confirm the stable posterior estimates from the previous section.

The prior variance parameters τ2 and ξ2 are strictly positive and thus more adequately displayed on the logarithmic scale:

samples <- fit$mcmc_ridge$sampling_matrices
  samples = list(samples$location_prior, samples$scale_prior),
  type = "both", log = TRUE, latex = TRUE

Just like the β samples, these are drawn from closed form full conditional distributions.

Finally, we focus on the samples for the scale parameter γ. Here, the trace plots do not indicate convergence to the posterior distribution. Thus, we increase the number of simulations to 10000, which also allows the inclusion of a Burn - In Phase as well as a thinning factor while still maintaining a sufficient sample size to estimate posterior quantities:

fit <- fit %>%
  mcmc_ridge(num_sim = 10000)

We drop the first 1000 samples for γ2 and show the three most common diagnostic plots for the thinned sample:

samples <- fit$mcmc_ridge$sampling_matrices

samples$scale[, 3, drop = FALSE] %>%
  burnin(num_burn = 1000) %>%
  thinning(freq = 30) %>%
  diagnostic_plots(lag_max = 30, latex = TRUE)

Even a thinning factor of 30, i.e. only every 30th observation is kept in the sample, does not get rid of the autocorrelation. Yet, the posterior density seems to be approximately normal and the trace plot indicates a decent exploration of the posterior space.

These findings serve as a great starting point for a more in-depth analysis, which is beyond the scope of this brief introduction to the asp21bridge package. Full descriptions of all functions, their arguments and common applications can be found in the documentation.


Package Infrastructure for Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Sampler | Summer Term 2021



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