joeky888 / vimrc

Vim/Gvim/Neovim configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • No plugins, just one file
  • Auto-Completion
  • Automatically detects indentation
  • 256-color Monokai theme (16-color Monokai-like theme if you're using Windows)
  • Sans-serif mono font automatic detection (GUI-only)
  • Extra menu items under Edit option (GUI-only)
  • Paste to vim on ssh-server out-of-box
  • Works even without any syntax/color files (e.g. only vim executable)

This vimrc is based on MiniVim. It runs on Vim/Gvim >= 7.3 and Neovim >= 0.2

The code is under Public-domain licence.

Keys Action Description
Ctrl A Move cursor to the beginning of the line Just like macOS and terminals
Ctrl E Move cursor to the end of the line Just like macOS and terminals
Ctrl C Copy current line / Copy Selection Also copies to ~/.vim/clipboard.txt in terminals
Ctrl X Cut current line / Cut Selection Also cuts to ~/.vim/clipboard.txt in terminals
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl D Duplicate current line
Ctrl K Kill current line / Kill selected lines Just like nano
Ctrl F Search Case insensitive
/ Search Case sensitive
Ctrl R Replace Case sensitive
Ctrl G Select all
Ctrl \ Comment/Uncomment Depends on file type
Ctrl T New tab
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl S Save
Ctrl W Close
Ctrl Q Visual-Block mode
| (bar) Enter multiple-line editing from Visual-Block mode
Ctrl N Next occurrence vim cgn mode, hit c-n on the selection, edit it (don't do paste), then keep pressing ctrl-n
Ctrl P Previous occurrence Repeats the last operation to previous occurrence (vim cgn)
Ctrl U Move current line / Selection up Depends on window size
Ctrl J Move current line / Selection down Depends on window size
Ctrl → Next word
Ctrl ← Previous word
Ctrl ↑ Jump up multiple lines Depends on window size
Ctrl ↓ Jump down multiple lines Depends on window size
Alt → Next word In case Ctrl key is not working in terminal emulators
Alt ← Previous word
Alt ↑ Jump up multiple lines Depends on window size
Alt ↓ Jump down multiple lines Depends on window size
Shift → Select next word In case Ctrl key is not working in terminal emulators
Shift ← Select previous word
Shift ↑ Select multiple lines up Depends on window size
Shift ↓ Select multiple lines down Depends on window size
Ctrl B Delete a word backward
q Quit Normal mode only
Q Quit Normal mode only
Tab Indent
Shift Tab Unindent
Insert Paste from clipboard.txt Only available in terminals, in case vim clipboard is broken
F2 New tab Like Byobu
F3 Move to next tab Like Byobu
F4 Move to previous tab Like Byobu
F10 Enable/Disable Auto-Completion
PageUp Jump up multiple lines Depends on window size
PageDown Jump down multiple lines Depends on window size
Home Increase font size GUI only
End Decrease font size GUI only
- (minus) Fold/Unfold Normal mode only
Ctrl Backspace Delete a word backward
Alt Backspace Delete a word backward In case Ctrl key is not working in terminal emulators
Ctrl Delete Delete a word forward

Extra menu items (GUI)


Extra commands (Most of them were added to the GUI Edit menu already)

Command Action Description
OpenDroppedFiles Open dropped files to each tab at one time
JsonBeautify Json file beautify Requires Python 2/3
JsonMinify Json file minify
XmlBeautify XML file beautify
Base64Decode Decode base64 file Requires Perl
Base64Encode Encode base64 file Requires Perl
Base64DecodeGunzip Decode base64 file with gunzip uncompressing Requires base64,gunzip
Base64EncodeGzip Encode base64 file with gz compressing Requires base64,gzip
URLDecode Decode URL in current file Requires Perl
URLEncode Encode URL in current file Requires Perl
MergeToOneLine Merge selection to one single line
ToggleCaseToUpper Toggle case from selection
ToggleCaseToLower Toggle case from selection
ReverseString Reverse selected string
FastRender Disable everything slowing vim down
Split2Vertical Split window
SplitMoveRight Move window
SplitResizeRight Resize window
IndentSpace2 2 space indention
IndentSpace4 4 space indention
IndentSpace8 8 space indention
IndentTab2 2 tab indention
IndentTab4 4 tab indention
IndentTab8 8 tab indention
LineEndingUnix \n line ending
LineEndingDos \r\n line ending
LineEndingMac \r line ending
Opencc2T Requires Opencc
Download Download a file from a given URL


  • Use curl
curl -o ~/.vimrc
  • Use wget
wget -O ~/.vimrc

Install on Windows

  • Use Powershell
  • Copy all and press Enter
$url = ""
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE\\.vimrc"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $path)
  • Use cmd.exe

Install for Neovim

mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/
curl -o ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Extra notes

  • Don't use sudo vim, use sudoedit instead
  • Auto-completion will be disabled automatically inside ssh sessions and docker containers otherwise it will corrupt the clipboard
  • Vim's built-in clipboard will be used when system clipboard is not available
  • When Fbterm and gpm is detected, ttymouse will be set to xterm (to use gpm mouse in the fbterm)
  • Python and Perl are used on few commands but most of the functions are written in pure vimscript
  • There are some keys one should never remap them
    • Ctrl-I = Space in terminals
    • Ctrl-M = Enter in terminals
    • Ctrl-H = Backspace in terminals
    • Ctrl-[ = ESC in terminals
    • Ctrl-/ Vim doesn't support it
    • Ctrl-AnyNumberkey Vim doesn't support it
    • three or more combination keys like Ctrl-Shift-S, terminals don't accept this
  • An example setup should like this in bashrc/zshrc
# Add this to bash_profile, bashrc or zshrc
if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm"* ]]; then
  export TERM=xterm-256color
stty -ixon -ixoff # In order to use Ctrl Q and ctrl S
stty lnext '^-' stop undef start undef -ixon # In order to use Ctrl V
export VISUAL="vim"     # For the sudoedit command
export EDITOR="$VISUAL" # For the sudoedit command

Cheat sheet for Vim regex pattern matching

^   Begin of line
$   End of line

\s  whitespace character        \S  non-whitespace character
\d  number digit                \D  non-number digit
\x  hex digit	                \X  non-hex digit
\o  octal digit	                \O  non-octal digit
\a  alphabetic character        \A  non-alphabetic character
\w  A word                      \W  Not a word
\l  lowercase character         \L  non-lowercase character
\u  uppercase character         \U  non-uppercase character
\t  Tab character

.   any character
*   matches 0 or more
\+  matches 1 or more
\=  matches 0 or 1

\{n,m}      matches from n to m times
\{n}        matches exactly n times
\{,m}       matches at most m times
\{n,}       matches at least n times

[A-Za-z0-9_]    alphanumeric
[^A-Za-z0-9_]   non-alphanumeric

[\u0000-\u007F]     range of ASCII
[^\u0000-\u007F]    range of non-ASCII (e.g. Full-width characters)

:g/pattern/d        Remove all lines contains a pattern


Vim/Gvim/Neovim configuration


Language:Vim Script 100.0%