joaopalmeiro / template-python-uv-notebook

Opinionated Python + uv template for new notebooks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


uv Ruff

Opinionated Python + uv template for new notebooks.

Getting Started

  1. Go to or create the project folder.
  2. Get the template files:
npx degit github:joaopalmeiro/template-python-uv-notebook


npx degit github:joaopalmeiro/template-python-uv-notebook --force
  1. Search for template-python-uv-notebook and replace it with the project name. Ignore the template repository URL in the file.
  2. Search for Opinionated [Python]( + [uv]( template for new notebooks. and replace it with the (short) project description.
  3. Search for João Palmeiro and replace it with the author's name.
  4. Open the requirements.txt file and add the project-specific dependencies.
  5. Delete the file.
  6. Delete the Getting Started section.


Install pyenv (if necessary).

pyenv install && pyenv versions
pip install uv==0.1.24 && uv --version
uv venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
which python && python --version
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
uv pip list --strict
uv pip check --verbose
jupyter lab
ruff check
ruff check --fix
ruff format


Opinionated Python + uv template for new notebooks.

License:MIT License