joaomarcuslf / universal-react-card-search

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Universal React App


I wanted to create an boilerplate like project to use React and React Native on the same project, and been able to create Universals components, sharing the same code between every platform.

Following the boilerplate on version 1.0.0 should be the way to go.

On web you will have support for Internacionalization, Service Workers, PWA support.

On native you will have support for Internacionalization, Every Expo resource and more.


Starting for specific platforms:

    yarn start # Will start the Expo bundle on React Native mode
    yarn start-android # Will start the Expo bundle on React Native mode and open Android platform
    yarn start-ios # Will start the Expo bundle on React Native mode and open IOS platform
    yarn start-web # Will start the Expo bundle on Web mode and Browser


    yarn build-web # Will build application and generate web-build folder

Additional commands:

    yarn lint-fix # Will run lint and fix all files
    yarn release # Will enable release-it commands
    yarn release:patch # Will run release-it to upgrade patch version
    yarn release:minor # Will run release-it to upgrade minor version
    yarn release:major # Will run release-it to upgrade major version


How to use:

import something from '@alias';
import something from '@alias/path';
import { something}  from '@alias';
import { something}  from '@alias/path';

General alias

  • '@src': will resolve to the src folder.
  • '@actions': will resolve to actions folder.
  • '@constants': will resolve to constants folder.
  • '@reducers': will resolve to reducers folder.
  • '@helpers': will resolve to helpers folder.
  • '@translations': will resolve to translations folder.

Shared alias

  • '@shared-components': will resolve to src/components/shared
  • '@shared-containers': will resolve to src/containers/shared

Platform specific alias

This alias will change based on what platform you are using, the platform is defined by the enviroment variable APP_ENV.

By default, if no APP_ENV is given, it resolves to Native.


  • '@components': will resolve to src/components/native
  • '@containers': will resolve to src/containers/native
  • '@scenes': will resolve to src/scenes/native
  • '@router': will resolve to src/router/native


  • '@components': will resolve to src/components/web
  • '@containers': will resolve to src/containers/web
  • '@scenes': will resolve to src/scenes/web
  • '@router': will resolve to src/router/web

How to develop

React Native only:

If you choose to only use React Native part, you can delete every shared or web folder, and the project will be just fine, no change need to be made.

Web only:

If you choose to only use Web part, you can delete every shared or native folder, and change the babel.config.js or package.json.

If you choose to modify babel.config.js, you just need to modify just the alias object. Change the @components, @containers, @scenes, @router, changing the 'native' word on the end of each line.

Or if you choose to modify package.json, just add APP_ENV='web' on the beginning of each script.


You can see that components, container, scenes, router have three folders inside each:

  • native: for React Native imports
  • web: for Web imports
  • shared: for files that can be imported on every platform

Table of external resources

Name Use
Expo For Native an Web support.
i18next For translations and internacionalization
react-i18next For components support for i18n
lodash For functional and reliable support
redux For managing application state
Release It For versioning
Typescript For typecheck

Created by @joaomarcuslf.



Language:JavaScript 74.5%Language:HTML 23.0%Language:TypeScript 2.5%