joaoandreporto / coshipy

activate conda environments and control IPython sessions, running inside tmux, directly from Vim

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vim(conda, shell, v.ipython)

This is a fork of vim-pyShell by @greghor, originally made with the intent of "boosting a data science workflow with vim+tmux" (more info here). What coshipy expands on, is in its integration with the conda ecosystem.

The simplicity of implementation of vim-pyShell and above all its usefulness, interconnecting Vim plugins vimux with vim-cellmode, to form a workflow for users of both Vim and IPython, finds added value residing in the customization of mappings to Python's pandas library methods for data inspection purposes.

In @greghor's own words:

"This is a very basic integration of the ipython. So far it allows to start an ipython repl in tmux, then vimux is used to send lines to it. There are also specific functions to work with pandas dataframes."


When one uses IPython through several conda environments and typically works in vi-mode, prescience dictates that one might need to:

  • choose which conda environment to launch IPython from;
  • run "vipython" i.e., IPython in vi-mode.




This file inherits from vim-pyShell in almost its entirety, with the exception that its StartPyShell()* and StopPyShell()* functions now wrap vimux function calls to activate conda environments (thus running IPython from them) and also exit and deactivate them, respectively.

* now known as StartCondaShell() and StopCondaShell() in coshipy

This bash script is responsible for the listing, selection and activation of conda environments, as well as ensuring that the selected environments indeed host IPython and, of course, ultimately it takes care of the latter's execution in vi-mode.


đŸ“¢ Outside the below mentioned use cases this can be safely ignored.

This environment variable defines the path to, it is useful in case of:

  • using only one specific conda environment with coshipy;
  • multi-user setups (where the coshipy Vim plugin is installed outside the usual home directory path i.e., ~/.vim/bundle/coshipy/).

And it should be exported through .bashrc, or the like (see .bashrc section).



The following dependencies are required for full functionality:

* these packages should be installed under the same conda environment, in order to solve and maintain dependency issues ("how to" example here)


Using a multi conda env setup

đŸ“¢ If you're using multiple environments in your conda setup, then there's no need to change anything, you can follow along to the .vimrc section.

Else continue...

Using a single conda env setup

If you know beforehand that you'll only be using a specific conda environment, then can be overridden in favour of sourcing that one specific environment.

Follow these next steps to setup for a single conda environment:

  1. Use the following command to generate the new shell script, replacing the <conda_env_name> field with your conda's environment name:
    printf "
    source "$(conda info --base)"/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate <conda_env_name>
    ipython --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode=vi" > \ && sudo chmod 755
  2. Move the newly created script to a desired location;
  3. Place the following line, with the full path to the script, inside .bashrc:
    export CONDAENVSEL="<path/to/>"

Using a shared user conda env setup

When using a conda environment setup encompassing multiple users, with a centralized file system shared across them, one might run into a situation where the file falls outside it's usual path (e.g., usually something of sorts ~/.vim/bundle/coshipy/plugin/

Setting the $CONDAENVSEL envar to the central and exporting this for each user in the setup, provides a solution.

To setup for a shared user with multiple conda environments, simply place the following line, with the full path to the central script inside .bashrc:

export CONDAENVSEL="<path/to/central/user/>"


Plugin bundle

After installing the required dependencies, use a Vim plugin manager and add the following plugins to your .vimrc e.g., using vim-plug:

Plug 'preservim/vimux'
Plug 'joaoandreporto/coshipy'
Plug 'julienr/vim-cellmode'

Useful mappings

To also include in your .vimrc:

"" coshipy/vim-cellmode mappings
" ipython-shell
noremap <localleader>is :call StartCondaShell()<CR>
noremap <localleader>ik :call StopCondaShell()<CR>

" code execution
" sends the currently selected lines to tmux
nnoremap <localleader>l :call CondaShellSendLine()<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <localleader>l :call CondaShellSendMultiLine()<CR>

" code inspection
" get the lenght of iterable under cursor
nnoremap <localleader>iil :call CondaShellSendKey("len(<C-R><C-W>)\r")<CR><Esc>
" get the number of occurences of the item under the cursor in the data
nnoremap <localleader>iic :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.count()\r")<CR><Esc>
" get the content of the item under the cursor
nnoremap <localleader>iii :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>\r")<CR><Esc>
" escape quote characters in target selection
vnoremap <localleader>iis y:call CondaShellSendKey(substitute('<C-R>0',"\"","\\\"","")."\r")<CR> 

" dataframes (pandas)
" print the dataframe first elements
nnoremap <localleader>idh :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.head()\r")<CR><Esc>
" print the dataframe column labels
nnoremap <localleader>idc :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.columns\r")<CR><Esc>
" print dataframe information, including the index dtype and columns, non-null
" values and memory usage
nnoremap <localleader>idi :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.info()\r")<CR><Esc>
" Generate descriptive statistics, include those that summarize the central
" tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset’s distribution, excluding NaN
nnoremap <localleader>idd :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.describe()\r")<CR><Esc>
" return a series with the data type of each column
nnoremap <localleader>idt :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.dtypes\r")<CR><Esc>

" plots (matplotlib)
" plot the content of the dataframe
nnoremap <localleader>ipp :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.plot()\r")<CR><Esc>
" display the histograms
nnoremap <localleader>iph :call CondaShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.hist()\r")<CR><Esc>
" close all plots
nnoremap <localleader>ipc :call CondaShellSendKey("plt.close('all')\r")<CR><Esc>

Following on the lead from upstream:

"Be creative, build-up on that, and create your own mappings!"


Since vim-cellmode's mappings clash with Vim's default mappings, it is probably a good idea, for users who rely on these defaults, to disable these mappings, like so:

let g:cellmode_default_mappings='0'

The following options might also be sensible to set and were derived from @greghor's .vimrc:

set bomb
set binary
set ttyfast


Once all is setup and if using the mappings described above:

  1. Open your .py file in Vim;
  2. Press <localleader>is to activate the conda environment and start the IPython session;
  3. Select your session by typing its number and evaluate the line where it is typed with <localleader>l or jump to the tmux pane and insert it there;
  4. Do your thing (use the different mappings);
  5. Once you're done, press <localleader>ik to exit IPython and deactivate the conda environment.


  • Implement Qt Console for Jupyter
  • Implement cell execution functionality
    • sends the current cell to tmux, moving to the next one
    • sends the current cell to tmux
    • executes all the cells above the current line


Feel free to raise any related issues and pull requests on this repo.


Thanks to @greghor and @tcarette for laying out the groundwork for this plugin with vim-pyShell and vim-sparkShell, as well as @julienr et al. for vim-cellmode and @benmills et al. for vimux


activate conda environments and control IPython sessions, running inside tmux, directly from Vim


Language:Shell 61.1%Language:Vim Script 38.9%