joao-fontenele / simple-api-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unique Kangaroo Backend



Commits to this repository should follow the conventional commits convention. Specially the angular convention.


Code in the master branch is code ready to production, the dev branch is a buffer of code to be tested before it's ready to be merged into master.

Production deploys need to create a release first. But the staging environment can be used to test dev code.

This project has a custom javascript linter. Make sure your code is passing the project's linter. Before pushing new code. It can be done by using a linter plugin in your text editor or by running the lint script in package.json.

To code, you should get a branch from the dev (make sure it's updated with the master branch), and then make a pull request back into the dev branch. If possible request for a reviewer.

Hotfixes can be made directly into master branch. But still need to generate a new release before deploys.


To deploy a production image you should:

  1. make sure the changes are working
  2. merge dev into master, or commit hotfixes in master
  3. update the version in package.json
  4. update with the changelog script
  5. commit and package.json
  6. create a tag v<version>, where <version> is the new version
  7. push changes into master, and also push the new tag
  8. rebase dev with master, and push it too
  9. run make deploy VERSION=<version>


You will need to install docker, and you will also need an env file with environment variables called dev.env. This file should contain the following variables:

  • PORT: the app will listen to this port
  • DB_URL: the database connection url
  • NODE_ENV: e.g., production or development
  • API_USER: user used for the api authentication, i.e., if the requester will be authorized to access this api. As of now this api has only one user
  • API_PASSWORD: password for the user

Example dev.env file:


Notice that if you are running a fresh install you may need to run the migrations. Check below to know how to do so.

Local development

Recommended environment

I recommend using atom editor with the plugins

Running the code

To make the initial setup run (this only needs to run once):

$ make bootstrap

After the bootstrap is done, you can always run the api with:

$ make run

It should build the apis's docker image, and run the mongo and the api services. After docker-compose finishes initializing the service the api will be accessible in the localhost:<PORT> address.

Any changes made locally will reflect in the docker container automatically.

If you are running a fresh install or if there have been changes to the database you will need to run the migrations to update the it.

$ docker exec apiprojectx_api_1 yarn run sequelize -- db:migrate

There are more functionalities in the makefile, you can check it out.



Language:JavaScript 86.1%Language:Makefile 13.9%