joanvelro / OptiProject

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Optimization Project Example with Auto-documentation using Sphinx

├──                            # This file
├── data                                 # general data folder 
├── docs                                 # Auto-generated documentation        
│     └── build
│           └── html                     # HTML version of the auto doc
│           └── latex                    # latex version of the auto doc
│           └── pdf                      # pdf version of the auto doc
├── notebooks                            # Notebooks folder
├── reports                              # output results and figures 
│    └── figures                         # figures folder 
│    └── logs                            # logs folder 
│    └── results                         # results folder 
├── src                                  # source code
│    └── opti_suite                             
│         └── opti_app   
│               └──             
│               └── context                    
│                    └──
│                    └──
│                    └──
│               └── model                   
│                    └──    
│               └── factory                          
│                    └──   
│                    └── 
├── test
│    └── data                            # input data files for unitary testing
│    └── reports                         # results from unitary testing
│    └──                    # unitary test for test data
│    └──                  # unitary test for scheduler engine
│    └──               # unitary test for pconversion formats
│    └──          # unitary test for python version
├──                             # python setup file to build the opti library
├── requirements.txt                     # python library dependencies 

How to set up the Environment

Create environment

# with conda
conda create --name OptiProject python=3.9

# with venv

# Windows
py -m venv OptiProject

# Linux/Mac
python -m venv OptiProject

Activate environment

# with conda
conda activate OptiProject

# with venv

# Windows

# Linux/Mac
source .OptiProject/bin/activate 

Or Create python environment with pip

python -m venv OptiProject

Activate the environment


go to project path

cd <project-path>

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install pyomo independently

conda install pyomo -c conda-forge

Instalar extras: NEOS server

conda install pyomo.extras --channel conda-forge

conda install pyomo.extras  -c cachemeorg 

Instalar solver GLPK

# windows
conda install glpk -c conda-forge

# linux
apt-get install -y -qq glpk-utils
SolverFactory('glpk', executable='/usr/bin/glpsol')

Instalar solver IPOPT

# Windows
conda install -c cachemeorg ipopt_bin

# Linux
wget -N -q ""
unzip -o -q ipopt-linux64
SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt').solve(model).write()

Instalar CBC

Windows: Download executable from: or or and add to the path (environment variable) the route of the .exe file

# Linux
apt-get install -y -qq coinor-cbc
SolverFactory('bonmin', executable=/usr/bin/cbc)

Instalar Couenne (MINLP)

Windows Download executable from: and finally add to the path (environment variable) the route of the .exe file

# Linux
wget -N -q ""
unzip -o -q couenne-linux64
SolverFactory('couenne', executable=<path_to_exe>)

Instalar Bonmin (MINLP)

Windows: Download executable from:

# Linux
wget -N -q ""
unzip -o -q bonmin-linux64
SolverFactory('bonmin', executable=<path_to_exe>)

Detectar solver instalados

pyomo help -s

Ayuda sobre componentes

pyomo help --components

Ayuda sobre pyomo en general

pyomo help -a

Create wheel of the library

first, execute all the unitary test and export results

python -m pytest test --junitxml=test-results.xml

Or execute tests with unittest

python -m unittest

then, check PEP 8 style before commit changes:

python  -m flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics

Finally, publish the wheel of the library in dist folder

python bdist_wheel

How to generate Auto-documentation with Sphinx

Install Sphinx and Rinohtype (if not installed) in the virtual environment of the project you’re working on use the following commands below.

conda activate OptiProject
pip install Sphinx
pip install rinohtype

Create a docs directory and cd into this directory.

mkdir docs
cd docs

Setup Sphinx


Open source/ and configure path to root directory,

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..\\src\\'))

Add extensions

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc']

Open the index.rst and change the content to the following. (Click the index.rst link for full content)


Documentation - V.0.1

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4
   :caption: Contents:

Model Data
.. automodule:: product_name.app_name.context.model_data

where automodule correspond with the name of the python file

.. module:: product_name.app_name.context.model_data
   :synopsis: Defines the model data class

.. moduleauthor:: (C) Jose Angel Velasco

Still inside the docs directory run, Create the HTML documentation files.

make html

Create the latex documentation files

make latex

Create the PDF documentation files

sphinx-build -b rinoh source _build/rinoh

check PEP 8 style

python  -m flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics

publish the wheel of the library in dist folder

python bdist_wheel

How to install the library from a whl

pip install dist/<name>.whl --extra-index-url <url>

(C) Jose Angel Velasco - 2022



Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%