jnweaver / Weekly-Work-Log

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Weekly Work Log

Too often, a week passes by and I reflact back on it wondering what I actually accomplished. This log is my attempt to document where my job takes me on a week-to-week basis.

October 27, 2014

  • Changed the news site so it uses clipsheet JSON API instead of database connections
  • Completed migration of four more Wordpress sites to new VM and Composer-based framework
  • Fixed a bug in the newsletters Wordpress site having to do with SSL negotiation

October 20, 2014

  • Fix Apache reverse proxy configuration issue with our Jenkins instance
  • Add feature to print bids Rails app to allow arbitrary number of other attachments to a bid
  • Final changes to print bids app before going live
  • Troubleshot a lingering bug in the news Rails app related to invalid characters in params corrupting cache keys
  • Worked with @VidalQuevedo on brainstoriming some stories and scenarios for revising the alerts admin app UI
  • Analyzed our Mapbox data and MobileUW traffic to estimate cost increase we'll see with MobileUW 2.0 switching to Mapbox for its maps

October 13, 2014

  • Migrated eight Wordpress site to new VM and moved them into our Composer-based Wordpress framework
  • SSL and Shibboleth configuation for the sites migrating VMs this week
  • Trained a web designer on working with Less
  • Documented migrating Wordpress sites to our new Composer-based framework, as well as SSL and Shibboleth configuration
  • Closed a few issues/feature requests related to our Parent Program newsletter
  • Patched servers against POODLE vulnerability
  • Trained a new editor on using Google Analytics

October 6, 2014

  • Fixed our broek Jenkins CI build tests for alerts
  • Fixed my longstanding certificate issues in OSX Keychain!
  • Built a vagrant for our Rails Alerts publishing app
  • Research sourcemapping with grunt-less-contrib and Chrome developer tools

September 29, 2014

  • Documented known risks related to new Alerts publishing app
  • Briefed alerts publishing app users one final time before production launch
  • Launched alerts.wisc.edu and migrated wisc.edu to new VMs with minimal rollout issues
  • Began researching issues with the new campus Microsoft Off Web App and its poor HTML email parsing capabilities

September 22, 2014

  • Finalized new vote.wisc.edu site and launched
  • Finalized new uc.wisc.edu site and launched
  • Finalized new umark.wisc.edu site and launched
  • Patched our development Ubuntu box against Shellshock
  • Definied monitoring tasks required for new wisc.edu and alerts.wisc.edu environments
  • Various refactoring of alerts app code and design, with supporting tests
  • Final design and browser testing on how wisc.edu consumes alerts.wisc.edu messages

September 15, 2014

  • Consulted on ongoing load testing of wisc.edu and alerts.wisc.edu environments
  • Design and build new voter information website and new University Communications website
  • Assisted with outstanding tasks on new University Marketing website
  • Configiured new VM to use Shibboleth for Wordpress auth and campus Manifest group management utility

September 8, 2014

  • Developed initial version of University Makreting website portfolio using Magnfiic Popup
  • Other miscellaneous Wordpress development for University Communications and University Makreting websites

August 25, 2014

August 18, 2014

  • Upgraded Ubuntu on shared development database and Jenkins/CI server
  • Continued work on Vagrant, provisioning with Chef and Berkshelf for managing cookbook dependencies
  • Designed and wrote the theme for new Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education site. (Also wrote a simple rss-reader plugin to wrap the return of Wordpress's fetch_feed function in a PHP data object for cleaner integration with Timber. Will spin this off as an officiak WP plugin soon.)

August 11, 2014

  • Continued work on the new Wordpress bootstrap project using Composer
  • Theme and style update to accommodate blog comments on the chancellor's blog for the first time
  • Deep dive into Vagrant, chef and Berkshelf for configuring virtual environments for our Wordpress development

August 4, 2014

  • Configured Shibboleth for sustainability website
  • Reviewed applications for web director position
  • Fixed several minor issues with the WID website
  • Upgraded30 Wordpress instances to 3.9.2
  • Created a new Wordpress bootstrap git skeleton that uses Composer for managing WP core files and plugins (learned a lote more about Composer in the process!)
  • Set up the deploy targets for the new wisc.edu environments

July 29, 2014

  • Migrated 20 MySQL and 2 Postgresql databases to new database server
  • Upgraded Wordpress Core and plugins on ~ 12 sites; added Hypercache to many of these
  • Installed autmysqlbackup script to new MySQL server for nighlt data dumps
  • Submitted Pull Request to Wordpress Timber project to fix menu bug
  • Sat in on a design review for the new adult lifelong learning gateway
  • Attended the Campus Communicators Content Strategy sessions
  • Refine the responsive grid for the diversity.wisc.edu redesign
  • Migrate sustanability website to staging server; eventually moved into production
  • Put new diversity.wisc.edu into production
  • Completed migration of MySQL and PostgreSQL databases to new production database server
  • Attended On Wisconsin magazine redesign kickoff with Pentagram

July 21, 2014

  • Formulate strategy for migrations sites and apps off our current production VM to newer VMs; share with colleagues
  • Begun work of migrating Wordpress databases to new production MySQL database server (once all MySQL and Postgresql Dbs are migrated, the old VM will be upgraded and repurposed as a second production VM for Wordpress hosting)
  • Misc. website maintenance efforts for arts.wisc.edu and adminexcellence.wisc.edu
  • Migrated hrdesign.wisc.edu to DoIT Web hosting platform and integrated Shibboleth for authentication and group management via DoIT's Manifest service
  • Retrofit responsive design CSS into the diversity.wisc.edu redesign
  • Wrangled a Bash script together to use iconv to batch convert some old content files to UTF-8
  • Converted adminexecellence.wisc.edu to a set of static files and deployed a staging version to DoIT Web hosting
  • Reviewed applications for an open digital marketing position in another division on campus
  • Migrated 4 more Wordpress Dbs to new Db server and added Hyper Cache to each site

July 14, 2014

  • Implemented numerous front-end and back-end changes to alerts admin Rails app in advance of campus emergency exercise on July 17, 2014
  • Conducted user training with campus emergency exercise participants
  • Briefed colleagues on high-level architecture of Alerts Admin Rails app and static site deploys to public-facing, high-availability, load-balanced VMs
  • Participated in campus emergency exercise on July 17, 2014, observing users as they used the new alerts management site for the first time. Add various new UI-imporvement issues to project tasks based on user observations
  • Troubleshooting Apache perfemance issues introduced into our test VM after RedHat patching applied by DoIT

July 7, 2014

  • Compiled Google Analytics data about use of Departmental Directory link on wisc.edu in prep for a meeting about the directory
  • Researched NetScaler app delivery controller to better understand how it can be configured to handle caching of alerts.wisc.edu
  • Went through the Redis tutorial
  • Reviewed Sidekiq documentation
  • Migrated the dev database for alerts to our new production Postgres server
  • Configured SSL on the test alerts app
  • Integrated Shibboleth/NetID for authentication on the alerts app
  • Pitched in with some CSS fixes on the diversity Wordpress site
  • Reviewed applications for a job search I'm assiting on for the Division of Continuing Studies

June 30, 2014

  • Added Postgres backup scripts to Postgres servers
  • Learned more about Postgres administration
  • Produced and distributed first monthly Media Mentions e-report
  • Revised WiscMail links on wisc.edu, adding popover feature to explain the change
  • Tested and reviewed alerts.wisc.edu code
  • Extended feature on uwpd.wisc.edu Wordpress site that allows for the hiding of featured images on story posts
