NOTE: I'm currently working on and updating the Clockwise repository. It contains not only the Mario Clock but others too. Check it out!
Super Mario World on the SNES was probably one of the games my brother and I played the most in our lives. So the emotional connection with the plumbers starts there. The first games of the franchise, still on the NES, were revolutionary and represented a great relief for the gaming industry that was going through a bad phase in the first half of the 80's. This article guides you to create an animated Mario clock that can be a retro decorative object for any environment.
One-click firmware flashing is available on
The complete tutorial can be seen on Instructables.
You can use the official Esspressif IoT Development Framekwork (aka esp-idf) to build and upload this project to an ESP32 device, including the ESP32-Trinity board.
Follow the Step By Step installation instructions.
Follow the instructions here.
git clone --recurse-submodules reconfigure flash monitor