iPhone friendly web UI God
git clone git://github.com/jnewland/god_web.git
cd god_web
gem build god_web.gemspec
sudo gem install -l god_web-*.gem
In your God config:
require 'god_web'
This will create a God watch that runs and monitors GodWeb on port 8888.
Optionally, you can password protect your god_web
instance. To do so, create
a YAML config file with username and password keys, like so:
username: foo
password: sekret
Then provide the full path to that yaml file as an option to the GodWeb.watch
require 'god_web'
GodWeb.watch(:config => '/full/path/to/god_web.yaml')
god_web uses ditz for issue tracking. Fork
god_web, clone your copy and then run:
ditz todo
For more details on a specific issue:
ditz show god_web-1
Make your changes that fix a bug, then resolve it.
ditz close god_web-1
Commit, push your changes to GitHub, then send a pull request!