jmslbam / Taxonomy-TinyMCE

A WordPress plugin for replacing the Taxonomy (category, post tag, etc) description textarea with the TinyMCE WYSIWYG

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== Taxonomy TinyMCE ===
Contributors: jmslbam, hoppinger
Tags: taxonomy description, category description, term description, tinyMCE, wp_editor, taxonomy, category
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.0.1
Stable tag: 2.0

This plugin replaces a taxonomy term description textarea with the buildin TinyMCE WYSIWYG.  

== Description ==

This plugin replaces a taxonomy term description textarea with the buildin TinyMCE WYSIWYG.  

Do you want to help?  


* Jaime Martinez ( [@jmslbam]( ) / []( )  

=== Notes === 
- This plugin needs at least WordPress 3.3 to work as it uses the new wp_editor call introduced in WP 3.3.
- This plugin is a inspired by [CategoryTinyMCE]( and [WooDojo](

== Installation ==

1. Upload Taxonomy-TinyMCE folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install via Plugin screen within WordPress.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Go to your custom taxonomy edit pages and start to write!

== Changelog ==

2014.11.04 - version 2.0
 * Used WooDojo's code, because mine was broken and I didn't want to have a broken plugin in the repo. So thanks WooThemes, visit them on

2012.02.20 - version 1.0
* Migrated from Category TinyMCE to Taxonomy TinyMCE


A WordPress plugin for replacing the Taxonomy (category, post tag, etc) description textarea with the TinyMCE WYSIWYG


Language:PHP 100.0%