jmrepetti / 100x100 learning project

Repository from Github https://github.comjmrepetti/100x100Repository from Github https://github.comjmrepetti/100x100


Install modules dependencies with:

$ npm install

and run the app with:

$ node app.js	

Point your browser to http://localhost:3001 and you should see a grid of 100x100 black squares.

From command line, doing a GET http://localhost:3001/10/20/ff0000 you will change the color of the square at position 10,20 to the color #ff0000. I know it should be a PUT.

$ wget http://localhost:3001/10/20/ff0000

Then from command line you can use Siege to run a load test like this

$ siege -c 200 -f Troll-face-urls.txt

About learning project


Language:JavaScript 48.6%Language:Ruby 37.7%Language:HTML 9.0%Language:CSS 4.7%