jmkeyes / adsmpipe

Tivoli ADSM Client for Pipes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tivoli ADSMPipe

Pipe data directly into Tivoli as backup or archive data instead of storing it to the filesystem; useful for backing up MySQL/PostgreSQL databases to Tivoli as they are not supported by the Tivoli Data Protection suite.


  • The Tivoli API package (TIVsm-API / TIVsm-API64)
  • GNU Make, the GCC compiler, and a functioning ncompress utility.
  • (Optional) The rpmbuild tool for building RPM packages.
  • (Optional) The debbuild tool for building DEB packages.


Clone the repository into a fresh directory and run make.

[user@host ~]$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'adsmpipe'...
remote: Counting objects: 26, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Total 26 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (26/26), 12.34 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), done.
[user@host ~]$ cd adsmpipe
[user@host adsmpipe]$ make

Please select a single target platform.

  make PLATFORM=<platform> all

[user@host adsmpipe]$ make PLATFORM=linux all
    CC source/adsmblib.o
    CC source/adsmpipe.o
    LD adsmpipe
[user@host adsmpipe]$ make PLATFORM=linux DESTDIR=/usr/local install
    INSTALL adsmpipe
[user@host adsmpipe]$ which adsmpipe
[user@host adsmpipe]$ /usr/local/bin/adsmpipe
Error: you must supply a filename or pattern using -f
adsmpipe [-[tcxd] -f <filename> [-l<size>] [-v]] [-p <oldpw/newpw/newpw>]

Creates, extracts or lists files in the ADSM pipe backup area
        -t      Lists files in pipe backup area matching the pattern
        -c      Creates a file in pipe backup area.
                 Data comes from standard input.
        -x      Extracts a file in pipe backup.
                 Data goes to standard output.
        -d      Deletes the file from active store.

        -B      Store data in the backup space of the ADSM server
        -A      Store data in the archive space of the ADSM server
        -f <file>
                Provides filename for create, and extract operations.
                 For list operations, the filename can be a pattern
        -l <size>
                Estimated size of data in bytes.
                 This is only needed for create
        -p <oldpw/newpw/newpw>
                <oldpw/newpw/newpw> Changes password
                 <passwd> Uses passwd for signon
        -v      Verbose
        -m      Overwrite management class (API Version 2.1.2 and higher)
        -n <count>
                File number to retrieve if multiple versions
        -s <filespace>
                Specify file space (default "/adsmpipe")
[user@host adsmpipe]$

Building Distribution-specific Packages

Clone the repository as usual. Run make with PLATFORM defined, but supply the tar, rpm, or deb target in place of all. The build will place the resulting package in the project root directory (where the Makefile is) and the packages should be ready to install. Ensure you have the Tivoli API packages installed or the program will not function.


Tivoli ADSM Client for Pipes



Language:Makefile 41.3%Language:Shell 39.9%Language:Roff 18.8%