jmiramant-error / dev_bootcamp_phase3_prep

A student generated prep sheet for making the switch from Sinatra to Rails at Dev Bootcamp

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Phase 3 Prep

The main goal of this document is to introduce Phase 3 students to Rails. In my experience the shift from Sinatra to Rails can be confusing for some. My hope with this prep is to point out the main differences between Rails and Sinatra, and offer first hand experience and guidance to those making the switch.

The Format

There are two sections:

The overview briefly covers the main topics of concern in rails. The exercises give you a chance to get your hands dirty. The overview is to be read first. Any deviation from the path will end in death....

My Motivation

After experiencing the jarring shift from Sinatra to Rails, I've decided to create a prep sheet for future Dev Bootcamp boots. The hope is they'll be better prepared to make the switch than those before them.

Contribution is Encouraged

For those who would be so kind to contribute to this project, please fork, add changes, and do a pull request. The more input the merrier. Let's help give back to DBC and improve the experience and success of those coming after us.


A student generated prep sheet for making the switch from Sinatra to Rails at Dev Bootcamp