jmgihana / fullstack-course4

Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course

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Table of Contents

Coursera: HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers

Example Source Code

This repository contains all of the example source code used in the course called HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers.

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Common Git Commands

Github commands:

Command Description
git add . Add all changes to all files at your current working directory location. Must be a git project.
git checkout testing Switch to testing branch.
git clone Clone a Git repository to work with.
git commit -m "Some changes" Commit changes with comments to current working branch.
git checkout master Checkout the master branch (trunk).
git checkout gh-pages Checkout the gh-pages branch.
git log View commit logs for your Git branch.
git pull Pull down any changes that were checked into a branch (Git repository).
git push Push your committed changes to your currently checked out branch.
git push origin master Push your committed changes up to your master branch. 'master' may be subsituted for another branch.
git status Get the status of files in the current repo.

Git examples:

Merging a branch into the master

git checkout -b 'hotfix'
Switched to new branch "hotfix"
vim index.html
git commit -a -m 'fixed the broken email address'
git checkout master
git merge hotfix

Command Line Reference

Universal Command Reference Link

Note that CMD represents Windows and Bash is typically Linux and OS X is Macintosh
Universal Command Line Reference

Common Windows Commands

Command and Usage Examples

Alter the file attributes. The '+' adds an attribute, and '-' removes it. Attributes are: a=archive; r=read only; s=system; h=hidden.

attrib -r -a -s -Hh index.html
All previously mentioned attributes will be cleared from index.html
Shortcut to the C: drive. Can substitue 'C' for other drive letters.

Navigate into a directory.

Note that a directory is also referred to as a folder.

Just typing cd\ by itself goes to the base (root) of the file system and is usually the C: drive.

cd.. navigates up one level. Say you are in the 'foo' directory and want to get out of this directory. This would get out of 'foo'

cd <directory name> navigates to that directory. You can provide a path of directories \ e.g.
cd Users\myself\Documents\git\mycode takes you to C:\Users\myself\Documents\git\mycode

Clear (reset) the screen.
Delete one or more files in the current working directory. Can be used with the '*' and the '?' wildcards.

del *.* will delete every file in the current directory.

(Note: del alone cannot be used to delete other directories. Use rd to remove a directory.)

del index.html deletes index.html

del *.html will delete all HTML files at your current location.

del foo*.* will delete all files beginning with 'foo' that are any type.

del foo??.* will delete files that are 5 characters long and begin with 'foo' that are any type.

List (reveal) contents of a directory (folder).

dir *.html displays all HTML files in the current and subdirectories.

dir /s lists the contents of all subdirectories.

dir /ah displays all hidden files.

Displays DOS help info. For info on an individual command simply type help followed by the command.

help md displays information on the cls (make directory) command.

Generate (make) directory. Creates a new directory at your current location. May also substitute with mkdir

md boo create 'boo' directory.

Delete a directory. Note that the directory you want to remove not have any files. The command rmdir may be used instead of rd

rd boo deletes the 'boo' directory

renameRenames a file.

rename foo.html zoo.html

Pipe (display) the contents of a file to terminal. If the file doesn't contain text (e.g. image) gibberish (binary encodings) will be displayed. If you pipe this command to more with "|more" then the text will be displayed one page at a time.

type site\index.html|more displays index.html one page at a time.


Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course


Language:JavaScript 54.5%Language:HTML 23.2%Language:CSS 22.3%