jmfiaschi / RbacUserDoctrineOrm

joins the zfc-rbac and zfc-user modules together in a doctrine orm module

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ORM based RbacUser module for ZF 2

RbacUserDoctrineOrm offers a module that combines ZfcRbac & ZfcUser together with the Doctrine Orm module from ZF2 so that you can focus on getting started.

Requirements & their dependencies


Installation of RbacUserDoctrineOrm uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to

Installation steps

  1. cd my/project/directory

  2. create a composer.json file with following contents:

        "require": {
            "esserj/zfc-rbac-user-doctrine-orm": "dev-master"
  3. install composer via curl -s | php (on windows, download and execute it with PHP)

  4. run php composer.phar install

  5. open my/project/directory/configs/application.config.php and add the following to your modules key:

  6. setup doctrine database parameters by adding the following to your my/project/config/autoload/local.php:

       'doctrine' => array(
           'connection' => array(
               // default connection name
               'orm_default' => array(
                   'driverClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver',
                   'params' => array(
                       'host'     => 'localhost',
                       'port'     => '3306',
                       'user'     => '', //put your user here
                       'password' => '', //put your pass here
                       'dbname'   => '', //put your database here
  1. Install or Update database

To install database run this commande :

	.\vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:clear-cache:metadata
  .\vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create

To update database run this commande : ```php .\vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:update --force

8. Load data in your database with Doctrine fixtures

Run this commande line to load data
	.\vendor\bin\doctrine-module data-fixture:import

This commande add the guest role. You can create your own fixture to load data in your bdd.

  1. see the ZfcUser & ZfcRbac pages for controller/view plugins to get started


joins the zfc-rbac and zfc-user modules together in a doctrine orm module


Language:PHP 71.8%Language:SQL 28.2%