jmarente / myvim

My vim configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My vim config

Just my vim configuration that I use on a daily basis.

Bundles installed

List of bundles installed:

  • scrooloose/nerdtree: file system explorer for the Vim editor
  • jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs: makes NERDTree feel like a true panel, independent of tabs
  • bling/vim-airline: status/tabline for vim
  • vim-airline/vim-airline-themes: official theme repository for vim-airline
  • scrooloose/syntastic: syntax checking plugin
  • plasticboy/vim-markdown: Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for Markdown
  • ervandew/supertab: allows you to use for all your insert completion needs
  • flazz/vim-colorschemes: one stop shop for vim colorschemes
  • tpope/vim-fugitive: allows you to execute Git commands and navigate throw the git repository
  • rodjek/vim-puppet: make vim more Puppet friendly!
  • vim-scripts/indentpython.vim: indentation scripts for python

How to install on Linux

Just clone the respository and run de script.


Thanks to Crononauta for discovering me this editor and thanks to FPerezP, this configuration is based on yours :-).


My vim configuration


Language:Vim Script 59.5%Language:Shell 40.5%